Chapter 21

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"Okay, so um, your father's name is... Mikael." He stiffens and glares at me.

"How do you know about Mikael?!" He growls and goes to attack me.

I quickly imobilize him and sigh.

"Will you just let me talk? I promise I'm not out to hurt you like your father did."

He stays silent but glares at me.

"You have a older sister Freya, then there's Finn, Elijah, you, Rebekah, Kol and... Henrick."

Nikki growls lowly and his eyes go sad before going furious.

"How dare you say my brother's name?!" He says, his voice holding guilt and rage. I ignore him and keep going.

"Your mother's name was Esther.. and you killed her." I speak quietly. His eyes go wide and stands there shocked.

"Nikki... I know a lot more than you do. Stuff about you, stuff about what your mother did or didn't do. I know she had slept with someone else and had you as a result. I know his name was Ansel and that he was a werewolf. I know everything about you and your family. The question is... do you want to know everything?" I ask gently.

He stares at me shocked I know that information and nods slowly. He sits down next to me and stays silent. I sigh and realize I just made explaining myself so much harder. Damn, I'm stupid, I just thought he deserved to know.

"Um, so I'm gonna start from the beggining. It started when your mother and... Aunt Dahlia parted ways. Your mother, wanted to stay with Mikael and chose him over your Aunt. Your Aunt was betrayed, naturally, and held a grudge against Esther. Her and Mikael got married and were trying for a big family... but she just couldn't concieve, she was barren." I take a deep breath and continue, ignoring his confused face.

"You see, Esther abandoned magic when she abandoned her sister. She couldn't use magic to fix her problem. So,... she went to Dahlia for help."


"But Dahlia,... she held a grudge." I finished and nodded my head.

"She refused. She was hurt and upset. Her sister and only family she had left had abandoned her for a man. And then went running to her when she had a problem starting a family with that man. So when Esther came to her asking a favor... she said no. Esther begged her, said she'd do anything. And she did. Dahlia said she'd help her if she was promised the firstborn from her and every generation after that."

You can tell from Nikkis face that he was appalled.

"And she agreed." I say quietly.

"She what?!"

"She agreed. So when the time came for Dahlia to take Freya away... she wasn't surprised."

"But Freya died of-" He stopped himself at the realization. "She didn't did she?" He whispered, horrifed.

"No." I say lowly.

"How could she do that?!"

"She wanted children Niklaus. And she'd do anything to get what she wanted. ... When the time came for Dahlia to take Freya Esther begged her to reconsider. But she didn't. She took Freya that day. Finn saw everything and was traumatized, so he always stayed by his mothers side after that. When your fathe-Mikael, came back she said Freya had died. Mikael loved Freya," Nik scoffed, "believe it or not, but he did. Mikael had become so sad and cold though.. then she met Ansel. She had an affiar with him, and then you came. When she told Mikael that she was pregnant he was excited, the man she married had came back. So she... just stayed quiet about it. Life went on and she had more kids to replace the one she left behind. But when she saw that Mikael had it out for you... she knew that was going to be a problem. Werewoles are... angry, and tempermental. She knew that one day... you'd snap. She knew you would protect yourself because werewolves are stronger than humans. But if you weren't... and you were weak... her secret wouldn't be discovered."
I trailed off. I know this is going to fuck him up. It's gonna hurt.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Niklaus... your mother gave you something. Something to weaken you. So that you couldn't fight back. So that when Mikael beat you... or humiliated you.. you wouldn't be able to do a thing."

"She wanted me weak? She let me get beaten, yelled at and abused! All to protect her bloody secret?!" He pants in anger and goes to shout again when he's interupted with the sound of faint sirens.

Oh. I forgot people will most likely call the police if they see a bridge on fire. Why can't people just let things go?

"Come on, let's finish this talk at home." I grab his hands and teleport home.

He looks around with wide eyes, shocked at the change in location. I chuckle at his stunned expression and smile a little proudly. Not a lot of people can make Niklaus Mikaelson speechless.

I lead him to sit down and take a seat next to him. Still having his hands in mine, I take them and place our interlocked hands on my lap.

He seems to have gotten over the teleportation and is looking at me to continue. I sigh and nod.

"Anyway, things went according to her plan until... Henrick." I look up at him only to see him staring at our hands sadly with his jaw clenched.

"She didn't plan on anymore of her kids being taken away from her. So, she made a way that could never happen again."

"She turned us into vampires." He concluded. I nod and go on.

"She made sure none of you could procreate because of the promise she made." I shake my head at Esthers dramatics.

"Then you killed someone, and triggered your curse. Her secret was exposed, so she had to handle that. So.."

"She did a spell to surpress my wolf." He said emotionlessly.

I need to finish this up.

"And then you killed her.... after that, Mikael was after you ever since then. ....Do you believe me now?" I look at him hopefully.

He looks at me for a minute and sighs. My heart drops to my stomach. Why is he sighing? Is he tired of me? He probably just has a lot to digest right? Right. Right?

"I believe you."

I sigh in relief. I nod and figet with his fingers. He squeezes my hand and shakes his head.

"So... all this... is a television show?" He shakes his head again in disbelief.

"It was in my old life. But this is my world now. And it was always your world, that doesn't change anything. I just know some things that are gonna happen." I try to explain to him. I don't want him to look at his life as if it wasn't real.

"Like what?"

"Like I knew about Katherine and I knew about you. And I know about future enemies."

" knew about me?"

I freeze and look at him.

Shit. I just exposed myself, didn't I?

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