⚜️Bonus Chapter⚜️ 2/2 (Mature)

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**Hey Foxy people, so sorry I didn't update. Admittedly I have depression and my moods have been up and down and I haven't been motivated to write lately! I won't be able to update another chapter to the main plot because I haven't been able to write it yet and I don't know if I'll feel okay enough to write. Again, I am so sorry BUT I wrote this bonus chapter extra long so please enjoy! I hope I'll be fine and well enough to write in a week or so but I really can't plan the highs and lows I have. So the next update will be on Wednesday, and because I feel bad for missing updates I will post 2 chapters (Not bonus chapters) Anyway so sorry and happy reading!**

"Hey! Excuse me!" He yells, I laugh under my breath and watch the scene unfold. She walks back irritated and annoyed.

"Can I help you?" She snaps. He scoffs and looks at me in disbelief. I widen my eyes and shake my head agreeing with him, that she's loco. Of course when he looks away I chuckle.

"Yeah, you cunt. You can stop eyeballing my man, and actually do your job."

"Excuse me-"

"Your excused. I don't know what you think your doing, but this is the oppisite of professionalism. Now if it wasn't my anniversary I'd snatch you by your fake extensions and drag you the fuck away from my boyfriend.... but since it is. All I'm gonna say is to get the fuck out of my face and get me a new waitress. Perferably one that's not an attention seeking bitch." He says venomously.

I watch from my seat giddily.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to-" She starts.

"Your tella tubby lookin ass!" He screams frustrated, gaining the attention from others. I just laugh out loud which makes his look over at me with a proud smirk.

"Tella tubby?! You're just insecure because you know that your 'boyfriend' would leave you in a second for me." She says in a mocking tone, using air quotes for 'boyfriend'.

I know this bitch did not....

Before she can even continue I can see the look of self doubt pass on Jeremy's face. No one is allowed to hurt Jeremy. Not emotionally, physically, mentally, or anything in between.

"If you think for even a second that I would leave the one person I care about the most and downgrade to you, ...well then I think you are sadly mistaken. Not to mention that you're a trashy bleach blonde that looks like a dying fish." I start dark and calm and finish with a snarl.

Idiot. That's what she was. An idiot.

I watch as she scoffs and rolls her eyes before walking away, but still swaying her hips as if her body will change my mind. I roll my eyes and look back at Jeremy who is watching the waitress leave with a scowl. I chuckle and grab his hand. His eyes shoot to mine and his face softens before smiling at me. A new waitress eventually comes over and we both order.

We drink, talk, laugh, eat and have a good time. But I know in the back of my mind that I have to bring it up.

I clear my throat and take a sip of my water. He look at me curious and that makes at all the more awkward.

"So I was thinking... we should talk." I say slowly, making not to say anything that might startle him.

"Oh my god, are you breaking up with me?!" He asks anxious.

So much for not startling him. I scoff mentally.

"What? No! I just wanted to talk about something...."

"Well what is it? You're making me nervous." He starts fiddling with his hands and picking at his nails. I take his hands in mine and take a deep breath.

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