Chapter 5

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I look around and feel like I'm being watched.

"Damon Salvatore." I call out.

Suddenly he whooshes in front of me and he reaches to choke me.

I send a little headache his way and grab his hand that was reaching to grab my throat.

"Aww, Damon, you want to hold my hand already? I didn't know you wanted to be friends too." I giggle.

He groans and try's to take his hand away from my grasp. But I train six days a week and I'm strong enough to break even his bones. He ain't goin anywhere.

"Now let's have a chat, okay?"

He drops on the ground holding his head.

Oh. Maybe I should stop that?



I stop giving him an aneurism and sit crisscross on the ground too.

I smile and look at him.

He's so hot, I swear. If he was my favorite character I'd have had a seat on his pickle by now.

But unfortunately for him, I love Niklaus.

Mmm, now that man is all kinds of handsome, charming, and sexy.

"What are you doing?" I hear and look at Damon, he's looking at me weirdly and is sitting across from me.

"Oh, I was talking to myself." I shrug.

He furrows his eyebrows and leans back a little.

What? Talking to myself makes me crazy now?


Oh. I'm doing it again.

"Anywho, let's be friends!" I clap my hands together with a smile. Might as well get straight to the point.

"Why? And how do you know who I am? No one is supposed to know I'm in town yet." He looks me over suspiciously.

I look harmless, I know that. And so does he. But we both know I could kill him with a snap of my fingers.

I giggle at the face he's making and lean in like I'm gonna share a secret.

"I know a lot of things. Why you're in town being one of them." I look him in the eyes and continue, "Unfortunately for you, she's not here."

"What? Who-"

"You know who."

I feel bad for him. He tried so hard to save her, he even died for her. But in the end, she just doesn't care.

"I'm sorry, but she's not here Damon."

He looks like he's gonna kill me for even just saying it. But I can see it in his eyes, he knows I'm not lying. It's something Katherine would do.

"Stop lying, Emily said-"

"Emily is a liar who wanted you to protect her kids."

He looks at me and says nothing.

After a long pause he asks, "Well then where is she?"

"Currently? Playing house with a werewolf named Mason Lockwood."

His face drains of color, well, as much color a vampire can have.

"Wow, so I was just one of many huh?" He says sarcastically.

I see the pain in his eyes. He really loved her, to the point where he would wait centuries for her.

I throw myself at him, and hug him tightly.

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