Chapter 8 (Mature)

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Is that...

Carol Lockwood and Liz Forbes?

Carol is pressed up against the mirror on the counter, legs spread, head back moaning mess.

Liz on her knees, head buried in her pussy.

Im gonna throw up.

"Ew! It's vagina!"

They jump apart, Carol getting her pants up and Liz wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

This isn't how it was in tvd... right? I mean, if things happened that weren't showed in tvd then that would explain this. A little.

God, I think I need to bleach my eyes. Too much girl parts, I did not need to see that.

I rub my eyes harshly, trying to rub away what I just saw.

"Elliot, listen you can't say anything." Carol pleaded. Though she has no reason to.

"Don't worry I won't say anything. I hate your husband and I'm happy your happy. But honestly... the bathroom?"

They look down at the floor, faces red.

"Anyway, you guys do whatever you wanna do, I'm gonna go get something to eat. I'm starving!" I say, and run away from this awkward situation.


It's been one hell of a day.

After the traumatizing run in with Carol and Liz I went back home. Hung out with Hank and smoked a little weed.

I just needed to chill for a bit.

I'm in my room smoking the last of it when my door opens and Jeremy walks in looking determined.

I breathe out the smoke and look at him. I'm leaning against my headboard with a raised eyebrow, I take another hit before putting it out.

"Wassup Jer-bear?" I ask, feeling a little giggly. I'm a giggly high kinda person, so everything is gonna be funny for a bit.

He chuckles at me and sits at the edge of my bed.

Sure, take a seat.

"Hey, it's time we had that talk man." He says getting serious.

Man, this is totally gonna ruin my high.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Like what the hell? All that shit was real and you didn't say anything?" He rants waving his hands around dramatically. Like chill bro.

I sigh, great, now it's all my fault.

Like, Jer-bear, I already told you about it.

"I didn't say anything? I told you all about it, it's not my fault if you assumed I was lying or something."

He looks at me for a minute before he sighs and shakes his head.

"Whatever. How much of what you told me was real?"

"All of it. I never meant to leave you out of the loop Jer. It's just that you didn't believe me, and that's fine because we were just kids, but what was I gonna do? Pull you into vampire bullshit? I'm not Elena. And it was never a secret, especially in this town. Ask me anything, I'll answer honestly." I say looking at him sincerely. I really didn't wanna hide anything from him like Elena did in TVD, but how was I gonna prove it? Tell him I'm a witch? Do a spell? Get a vampire or a werewolf?

I couldn't do that. What if he saw me differently? He's my family, my brother, my best friend. I can't lose that, that's like losing a part of myself.

But I guess it's time anyway. If I don't tell him he'll eventually find out from someone else, when I reveal myself when Klaus comes.

"Did a vampire hurt Vicki?" He asked looking angry.

"Yes and I have it dealt with." I answer honestly.

"How do you have it dealt with?!" He snaps.

"I mean I have it dealt with Jeremy." I tell him sternly, my eyebrow twitching with how he's speaking to me.

"That's not an answer!" He says now standing next to the bed in front of me a few feet away.

"Jeremy, I'm trying really hard not to snap at you. Especially because I know you don't understand everything right now and that you're probably overwhelmed. But if you speak to me like that again I'm gonna beat your ass. And I don't want to do that because I love you, but if that's what I have to do to beat the fucking disrespect out of you I will." I tell him seeing him deflate before sitting next to me leaning on the headboard.

"I'm sorry Ellie. I didn't mean to snap. Really I didn't."

"I know, it's fine Jer, just calm down. Is there anything else you wanna ask? Hm?"

"Mhm, yeah, you said you saw the future in your dreams, does that make you a witch or something?" He asked curiously.

I tense up before relaxing. If he had a problem with it we would deal with it, but I guess it's time to tell him now.

"Mhm. I'm a witch. I can do spells and stuff. I can talk to animals, make potions, and a lot of other stuff too."

"Cool," I sigh in relief and smile, "so if you're a witch does that mean I am?"

"Um, no Jer-bear, you're not a witch, but you are a hunter of the five."

He looked a little disappointed but looked curious too.

Does he not remember anything I told him?! Geez, I ain't got time to tell him every little detail.


"Hey Jer, what do you think if I do a small spell? I'll transfer all the information I have into your head so that you know everything." I suggest. It would be so much easier this way.

"I guess, sure, if it doesn't hurt or anything." Nervously he starts picking with at his fingers.

"I would never do a spell that could cause you harm Jer. It won't even hurt. It's just a simple spell. All you have to do is sit still and before you know it we'll be done." I smile reassuringly.

He nods his head and moves around so he's sitting crisscrossed in front of me.

"Okay so give me your hand and we can start okay? It will only take a minute and then you will start getting information in your head little by little."

He gives me his hand and takes a deep breath. Aww, Jeremy is nervous!! That's adorable. He won't even feel a pinch of pain, I'll make sure of it.

I take his hand and close my eyes, gathering all the knowledge I want him to know.

"Gisnel de alabrin, timbres no deabmor de fecalores."

I quietly say the spell. I get a little bit of a headache but whatever.

I open my eyes and look at Jeremy.

"It's done."

He looks at be confused. "Really? That's it?"

"Yep, that it. You'll start getting pieces of info little by little. You'll know everything by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why not right now?" He whines at me.

"Well you wanted it pain free okay? If I gave you all the information right now it would feel like your head is pounding and spinning. You'd probably be nauseous too."

"Oh. Never mind then." He said carefully.

We talked for a little bit about the supernatural and his worries about it until he left to his room. Probably to draw or something.

I pick up my phone to check the time. It was maybe ten minutes before Bonnie gets here.

Then it will be time for dinner.

Sorry I haven't updated that much!! I've been busy with Christmas and New Year's and busy with family events. But I'm back!

I hope you all had Happy Holidays!!

Peace out ✌️

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