⚜️Bonus Chapter⚜️ 1/2

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Damon's POV:

Its been a few months since me and Jeremy have been going out. Two months today to be exact.

I'm thinking of doing something special. Playing the gentlemen for the day.

I also think today is the day we finally go all the way. I've been holding back because I know Jeremy isn't ready and I know that he hasn't been in a relationship before let alone sex with a guy. I know all about Vicki Donavon, and how she played around with Jeremy's feelings. I don't plan on doing that to him.

We have done things. You know, blow jobs, hand jobs, dry humping, I just think that we are serious enough that we can at least talk about something more, like sex.

I have the day all planned out.

Dinner, movie and then going out to an arcade. Maybe a hotel afterwords.

My phone beeps and I see that it's Elena again.

I roll my eyes and answer the call, I swear after this I'm blocking this woman.

"Hello?" I answer with a sigh.

"Damon, do you know where Stefan is?"

What the hell? Does this girl think I'm my brother's keeper? No wonder he's avoiding her and her calls.

"No, I don't." I say curtly. I need to get this conversation over with.

"Well, can you go and look for him? I really need to talk to him and I would really appericiate it."

Are you kidding?

"Um, do can do Elena. I have plans." I say with an eyeroll. I sigh and look out the kitchen window, watching the wind shake the trees. Anything to distract me from her whiny voice.

"Are you serious? He could be hurt right now Damon! Can you try to think of someone other than yourself for once? He's your brother for god's sake!" She screeches into the phone.

I pull the phone away from my ear with a grimace.

Is she for real? I'm selfish? Is she confused with herself?

"If this is all you wanted I think I'll hang up now."

"Are you kidding me?! Your really not going to look for him?!"

This time I'm prepared and have the phone pulled away from my ear in time to not get a screaming woman in my ear.

"No Elena, I'm not going to look for him. My brother is a big boy. And even if he is your boyfriend, you don't have to know where he is every second of everyday." I speak into the phone and hang up. I make sure to block her this time.

I didn't need her to ruin my good mood. It's my anniversary.

I sigh and shake off my conversation with her. I have a boyfriend to pick up.


"Hey, happy anniversary Damie." He teased with a smile.

"Happy anniversary boyfriend." I teased back.

His teasing smile turned into a shy one and started blushing.

I chuckle and wrap my arm around his waist and lead him to the car. We both go in and start driving.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" He tries to ask nonchalantly.

I chuckle at his question and shake my head. I wanted tonight to be a surprise because I knew that if he knew about tonight that's all he would think about. And he would end up not enjoying the date at all.

"You'll figure it out when we get there."

"Damon that's not fair. I want to know where we're going. What if I'm underdressed?" He stresses, biting his nails.

"You're not underdressed."

He stares at me for a minute before exhaling dramatically.

"Wow, what a great help you are."

"I live to serve babe." I wink at him.

I park and he looks out the window.

"A fancy resturant? Really? I thought you said I wasn't underdressed!" He panicks.

"You're not. In fact I think you are overdressed. And if anyone has a problem well... they can be compelled to change their opinion." I shrug before opening and closing my door. He gets out before I can open it for him. He looks at me and what I was about to do before chuckling.

"I'm not a girl Damon." He shakes his head.

"Sorry for trying to be gentlemanly." I scoff playfully.

He laughs and shake his head at me.

"I'm not going out with you because you're a gentleman, I go out with you because you're not a gentleman. I hate people who are pushovers and nice to a fault. I like that you're mean and selfish Damie. I like that you're rough around the edges and that I'm the only one you treat nicely. It makes me feel special. And I don't care if that's selfish Damon. Because you are mine. And I am yours. Period. Now are we going to eat dinner?" He says shyly, realizing he said all that.

My heart is pounding and I can feel my face heating up. I can't believe he said all that. No one. Not a single person has loved me as myself and I find myself so lucky right now that I finally found someone who does. I smile at him boyishly and grab his face, crashing our lips together. I kiss him hard and pull away smiling.

"Okay, let's go."

He was snapped out of shock when I start pulling to the resturant. We walk in and tell the hostess our reservstion. She leads us to a table and leaves but not before staring at me and checking me out. I see Jeremy pout and huff.

Aww, he's jealous, I love it when he's jealous, he gets possessive and snappy at anyone who talk's to me for too long. Hot. Knowing someone wants you that much is a turn on.

When she comes back to take our order she basically has her eyes on my constantly. I ignore it and tell her my order. It's when she walks away without even taking Jeremys order, that he snaps.


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