Chapter 26

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It's been two weeks since the big fight between Jeremy and I. And since that time Nikki has gotten his werewolf and vampire to use for the ritual. And with Elena just sleeping at home he has everything he needs.

And in an hour everything will go down.

I'm actually kinda nervous. I told Nikki that I wanna be there, he said okay but he seemed kinda hesitant. After making sure Niklaus had a criminal for a vampire and a werewolf I didn't know or really care about I was kinda just waiting.

I'm just sitting near the whole ritual thingy, reading my new grimore from ebay when I stumbled on a spell that looked mighty interesting. A spell to change into an animal, although the spellcaster has to have an affinity to animals for it to work.

...I think being able to speak to animals makes it okay for me to try it. Especially since I really want to run with Nikki when he turns into a werewolf.

We could be, like, an awesome wolfy power couple.

I giggle at the idea and read more about this spell.


While everyone waits at the ritual spot, I wander around the woods for the ingredients I'll need for the spell.

Nothing crazy, just some wood from a maple tree, a three-petal flower, and some berries.

It wasn't specific.

So, a stick, a flower, and a berry. That's what's going to turn me into a wolf? Normally I don't question spells, but how the fuck is that gonna work?

I huff and grab the last ingredient, the god damn stick, from the ground.

I look up and see that it's dark, I check my phone and see that it's almost time for Nikki to be free. My spell takes about ten minutes, so I better hurry back.

These fucking woods creep me out, it's so fucking quiet when I make my way back. Nothing, not a sound, except me walking on leaves and the occasional twig.

A breeze hits me, and I shiver. I look around me and start getting paranoid. That's Nikki's thing.

I speed up and start to second guess if I know the right way.


I snap my head around, only to see nothing but trees. I'm panting now, my heart speeding up and sweating.

"Who's there?" I ask loudly.

All I hear is crickets and the wind.

Take a deep breath Elliot. You are a badass witch. It's all in your head. And even if it wasn't, you can kick anyone's ass.

Not if it's a ghost.

Oh, shut up! I got this.

"I asked who was there!"

I looked around me, going in a full circle.


I shake my head at my nonsense and keep walking in the direction I hope leads me to my club of supernatural's and friends.

"Elliot... I'm scared.."

....well me too bitch.

I look around again, knowing I won't see anything.


My eyes snap up and look at a hanging branch that looks broken in half.

I nod to myself and make a sound, and reasonable decision.

I run.

I speed my ass from these trees and leaves and apparently Elliot scaring ghosts.

I see some light in the distance and sigh in relief.

I slow down, not by a lot. Just enough to make it look like I'm not batshit crazy running from hell itself.

I jog to my spell book and chastise myself for leaving it. I coulda turned that damn ghost into a pebble. I'm panting and I decide to take a seat.

I only notice now that Nikki, the vampire, werewolf, and the witch are staring at me.

I clear my throat as my cheeks heat up from the attention. And not good attention.

"Hey, just working off dinner, you know how it is." I shrug, trying to play it off like they didn't see me running like spinach was chasing me.

Nikki shakes his head and smiles at me, amusement in his beautiful eyes.

I smile back and go back to reading my spell.

I better start now, it's gonna happen any minute.

I swallow the flower within chewing it like it says and then eat the berries. Next it says to imbue I tiny bit of magic into the stick while using the chant.

Okay, sounds fine.

I read of the page and hold the stick with both hands.

"Spiritus meus figuram mutabit, anima autem manebit, corpus autem mutabit figuram, mens autem mea manebit."

I repeat it again and again until I feel a little bit of magic in the stick.

Now all it says is to imagine the animal you wanna be while you break the stick in half.

Okie dokie.

I walk over to Nikki and watch him watch everyone else, making sure everything goes smoothly.

I slide up next to him and grab his hand. He looks down at me and smiles tightly.

He's nervous.

"Hey, everything will be fine."

He relaxes, only a little though. He looks skeptical and sighs.

"Thank you sweetheart, it's just.."

He sighs and looks like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Just what baby?" I whisper and hold his hand tighter, hoping it'll give him some comfort.

"I've been waiting for Elijah to pop up somewhere and ruin this." He admits with a deep sigh.

I clear my throat and look anywhere but him and say, "I don't think he'll be a problem for at least a little while."

He looks down at me with a glare.

"What did you do?"


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