Chapter 27

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"𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰?"

"Hey! How do you know I did something! You don't know me nearly as well as you should to just attack me with assumptions of me making trouble!"

He looks at me and raises his eyebrow.

I look at the ground and sigh. ".... Okay, so you might be right this one time." I whisper.


"Oh, come on Nik! He was going to ruin it! Ugh, fuck 'ruin it' he was going to try to kill you!"

I see Nikki's eyes go dark and I know I just fucked up.

"...He killed me?"

I sigh and deflate a bit.

"Of course not Nikki... but he tried. And that was enough for me to interfere."

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

"And how exactly did you interfere love?"

I look at the fire and clear my throat.

"I made him a deal.... if he didn't continue with his ridiculous plan of killing you..... I would get his family back." I whisper.

"You were going to steal my family from me?!" He yelled, looking outraged and hurt.

"What?! No, of course not! I was hoping that I could convince you... or ya know, get you and Elijah to talk about it maybe. But I was never going to take your family from you. I would never betray your trust like that." I spoke desperately.

At the time it was necessary to get involved and make the deal, I didn't really make a plan on how I was going to convince him. I get that it was fucking dumb now, but at the time it was how I solved the problem. I can regret it as much as I want, I can wish I made a different plan, or different deal, but I can't change anything now. I can't go back in time and do things different.

I just hope Nikklaus understands and doesn't think badly of me. I mean, I would understand if he did. I was a freaking weirdo that made plans about him before I even met him. God, I met his brother before I met him.

Normally I take pride in being a weirdo but I'm starting to think it's not that great right now.

Nikki shakes his head and sighs.

"Elijah agreed to this plan? This deal?"

"Well, yeah. He... really loves his family." I shuffle uncomfortably.

"What? And I don't?"

"Nikki, I didn't say that. I wasn't even thinking that. I know you Nik. You care so deeply, and so hard that when they end up hurting you or disappointing you... It's like your world falls apart and you don't know who to trust. So, you make sure they can't hurt you... you make sure that your world won't be held together by people you don't think want to be in it. In your world, in your life. You care about your family Nikki, but you care about protecting yourself more."

"Is that so wrong?" He looked at me searchingly, looking for an answer.

"No, but it's not okay for you to dagger them just because they hurt you. It not okay to take their choices from them. They may be immortal but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to live their lives."

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