Chapter 9

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Elena and Bonnie are downstairs in the kitchen, probably doing the 'Bonnie is a psychic' scene.

I'm not gonna bother them until Damon comes. Otherwise I'd be sitting with them, listening to the bullshit the whole time all alone.

And I ain't doin that.

Hank hopped up on my bed and lays with me. Lying his head on my thigh.

I pet his head and he purrs making me giggle.

"What's up dude?"

'Nothing Master. Just tired from doing the errands you asked me to do. Because apparently someone is lazy and doesn't want to do it himself.'

I ignore the dig he made at me and pet him more.

"I'm sorry Hanky. But someone needed to check if Anna's location was correct. I did the locater spell but that only does so much. I found out she was in a motel but not the room number or anything. But you did, and you were amazing. The greatest fox, the greatest friend. Really, your the best."

He purrs and smiles, well as much as a animal can I guess. He's proud of himself and he should be. Me and him are a team and I trust him.

'Thanks Master.' He said cheerily.

I hear a knock at the door and hear Stefan come in. I smile, that means D's not far behind and then we'll have some fun.

I stand up and walk out of my room, walk down the stairs and sit at the bottom step and wait.

I hear them talking about Bonnie's family and Stefan acting like a weirdo. I roll my eyes at them.

Who has a dinner just because your friend and boyfriend don't get along? That's ridiculous.

There's a knock on the door and I stand to go answer it. I go to the door, open it, and smile at D.

"Hey Short-stack."

"Hey D!"

I hear Elena and Stefan come behind me.

"Elliot here said you were having dinner tonight. And I just thought 'how nice'," he looks at Stefan and smirks, "Plus I always want to hang with Sfef here. Hope you don't mind." He says smiling.

I laugh under my breath, "Forget her, just come-" Stefan interrupted me.

"We were just finishing up and um, Damon, can't uh, stay. Right Damon?"

The fuck? Does this squirrel munching mother fucker think he can talk over me?

Hell nah.

"We have leftovers for a reason Steffy. And last I checked you don't fucking live here." I say snidely.

"D come in." I say looking Stefan dead in the eyes.

Elena looks at Stefan weirdly, and walk to the door.

"Yeah, come on in."

I look at Stefan and laugh. He looks like he found a bug in his food.

He looks at me and scowls, walking past me and back into the living room.

Damon walks in and turns around.

"You have a beautiful home Elena."

After saying thank you she closes the door and walks in after Stefan.

With Steffy and Elena in the living room me and Damon are alone. Although I know Stefan is listening.

I look at D and raise an eyebrow. He mouths 'what?'

I straighten my spine, make a dumb face, and mouth 'You have a beautiful home Elena'.

'I don't look like that' he mouths.


We are all sitting, making small conversation. Mostly Damon and Stefan. Bonnie throwing on her unasked for opinion once and awhile.

Everyone has a piece of pie.. or cake? I can't tell. And I won't eat it either, it looks like chunky vomit. It's solid but somehow liquid-y? I can only assume it's Jenna's attempt at baking again. It was all we had in the fridge for dessert.

I watch the scene play out. Since Caroline isn't here it's kinda different but it ends up the same. Talking about dead people and Katherine.

I'm bored.

Damon follows Elena into the kitchen to do the dishes and Bonnie is in the bathroom, that leaves me with Stefan. And finally the words he's wanted to say since he seen me spill from his mouth.

"What are you?"

What am I? Ain't it obvious?

"I'm a bad bitch." I look at him with my legs crossed and my hands on my knee, and give him a deadpanned stare.

"This isn't the time for joking," who said I was joking? "you know about Katherine, so obviously you know about me. But you should watch yourself around Damon. He's dangerous and-"

"And it's none of your business. What I am, who I hang around, none of it has anything to do with you."

"Yes it does. If you or Damon put Elena in danger I'll-"

"You'll what?" I snap.

I let out a dangerous aura. One push and I'll explode. He stares at me, looking concerned, and I can't find it in me to fucking care. Look concerned all you want, but to think he had the gall to say that to me when he's the one putting her in danger.

"You'll do nothing Stefan." I growl. The lights start to flicker. I need to calm down but I can't. How dare he? "I'm not the one putting Elena in danger and neither is Damon. It's you."

"Me?" He breathes out in disbelief. Eyes wide and fists clenched. I bet he can't believe he's the problem for once. Not his older brother the trouble maker, not Katherine who started all this. No. Just him.

"Just by talking to her you put her in danger. You're a vampire Steffy, you bring drama wherever you go. What did you expect? Pretending to be a high school student. Pretending to be human. You aren't human Steffy. You can't come here acting like you have a life to live, acting like you can age and settle down with a family and kids."

I might sound harsh but he needs to realize that he's trying to be something he's not. He needs to accept the vampire part of himself, that's the main reason he's a ripper too.

"I don't want that-" he try's to convince me. But he'll have a better time trying to convince a rock. Especially with that look on his face. He looks like he's about to cry and throw something at the same time. I hear Bonnie coming downstairs so I have no doubt Stefan heard her too.

I look at him and quietly say something before she comes down.

"Yes, you do. The sooner you accept yourself the happier you'll be."

He looks confused as to why I'd say that when two minutes ago I was gonna kill him. Honestly I don't know why. Maybe I'll save him from Elena too. Because she really fucked him over.

Hm. I'll think it over.

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