Chapter 3

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Today is officially the day TVD starts.

I spent the whole summer grieving, and helping Jer-bear grieve.

He still smokes weed and stuff like in TVD but I join him most of the time and I can actually understand. It helps.

I'd like to say he's better then the Jeremy that was in the show. That much is true.

He might smoke but he's not gloomy and wasting his life away.

Anyway this morning we are getting ready for school. Well, I'm getting ready for school.

Jeremy woke up late and so did Elena.

But I don't give a single fuck about Elena. She's the reason my Dad is dead.

Some may say I'm being unreasonable but... I don't give a fuck.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to help Jenna with breakfast. Pulling the eggs out of the fridge and getting a pan.

Jenna looks at me like I just shat out a shoe.

"What?" I ask confused.

The fuck you staring at me for? Besides my beauty.

"Your-your helping." She says in awe.

Now I'm irritated.

"Well, I don't have to." I say annoyed.

"No! No, I take it back!"

Yeah, that's what I thought.

We make breakfast and drink our coffee, well in my case tea, waiting for those two to come down.

Of course they don't come down until be have to leave.

"Okay I am totally freezing. Toast? Lunch money?"

"It's all about the coffee Jenna." Elena says taking a cup, ignoring the money Jenna was offering.

I snag the twenty and take the last sip of my tea. Gotta save up all the money I can.

I already have about three thousand from saving the money I got from odd jobs I'd do, tutoring, chores, babysitting, dog walking, and my job at the grill.

Money can get you anywhere.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" Jenna fired off.

"Don't you have a have a big presentation today?" I remind her.

"I'm meeting my thesis advisor at..." Jenna looks at her watch, "now. CRAP."

"You better go then. We're all good." I smile at her.

She leaves in a hurry, me and Jeremy just laugh and head off to school together.


I walk down the hallway after sending Jeremy to go get his schedule.

"Whoa, who is that?" I hear Bonnie say.

"All I see is back."

I roll my eyes, and look over and see Bonnie and Elena staring at Stefan.

"A hot back."

I walk behind them and start talking, making them jump.

"Oh? So we're judging people by backs now? Not faces? Or dick size?" I smirk when I see Stefan stiffen up.

"You're so gross Elliot." Elena sneers.

I chuckle dryly, "Honey, who asked for your opinion?" I say before walking away.

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