Chapter 14

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Katherine was playing everyone with playing Elena. And I thought it was so funny. Especially when she tried to get at Damon but Jeremy stepped in before she even got close to his man.

Speaking of Jer and Damon, their relationship is going great. Jeremy is happy and clingy and Damon is in love, eating up all of Jeremy's clinginess.

And he really loved it when Jeremy was jealous and possessive. He was never loved like Jeremy loves him, he was never appreciated like Jeremy appreciates him. That's why he loved when Jeremy snapped at 'Elena' for getting too close to his man.

Also since Jenna everything she's on vervain and started training, and weapon training with me.

She met Alaric and they didn't really click, like, at all.

But I do see the way she looks at Uncle John. Lustful and loving. And he gives the same looks right back. They've been walking on eggshells around each other, and it irks my soul. I love confrontation, so I kinda wanna lock them in a room and see what happens.

...does that sound psychotic?


Anyway, since I made a barrier around the house so Katherine can't come in and slice n' dice Johnny boys fingers.

Uncle John has been adjusting to the 'vampires are our friends' attitude lately and he has been very supportive and helpful.

And that may or may not have something to do with me using a spell or two to dive into his mind and find out if any vampire trauma has caused him to be a hunter other than being raised into it.

Turns out when he was in college he and a friend were together walking around the city. They walked by an alleyway when his friend was snatched and killed in front of John. John was shocked when he saw that his friend was dead and feared he was next.

Luckily the vampire was still feeding on his friends corpse so he didn't notice him slip away. It took everything in him to walk away but it was already too late to save his friend so he needed to save himself.

He called his family and explained what he saw, that's when they brought him into the family secret. Told him everything and let him read the journals.

He never met a vampire on a personal level. Never got to know them or talk to them respectfully. He just didn't give them a chance.

So I made him.

'Problem Solver' is a big help with things like this. Plus I wasn't making him do it. Deep down he was always curious about them. I just gave him a push. Told him to give 'em a chance to show him they're just people.

Now he hangs with Damon and Alaric just drinking and hanging out.


Today I look fine as hell.

I'm wearing a dark blue suit, a white button up shirt and a black bow tie. It's slim around the waist making me look petite. I wear a sleek black mask, sitting in the corner sipping on my champagne.

We're all at the masquerade ball (but they don't look as fine as me). I see Katherine amongst the crowd dancing with the werewolf she brought.

That wasn't Mason.

Because Mayor Lockwood didn't die I guess he just didn't see why he needed to come. So Kathy brought a new one.

The scooby gang has the original plan going, and of course Elena isn't here. Yet.

I look up and see Jeremy coming my way.

I throw my champagne in the bush behind me before he sees it. Ever since he met Damon he stopped drinking and smoking weed, so I did too. But when I do drink on occasion, he gets mad because I do it without him. Damon doesn't like Jer drinking because he gets flirty with everyone and becomes sleepy after awhile and Damon has to carry him home.

"Hey Jer, is it time yet?" I smile as innocently as I can.

"Yeah, Stefan lead her to the room." He says hesitantly.

"Why? What happened with Care?"

After I told Care and Ty everything she chose to turn. And since I took the Gilbert devices and the Mayor isn't here she didn't end up in the hospital. She turned willingly (even after Steffy threw a fit about it), not that Kathy knows that.

She thinks she turned Caroline when she was walking home by herself. But Care knew she would be there.

Because of her awesome witch friend that tracked her.

"She didn't even bother with Caroline, so we sent Stefan to flirt with her and lead her away but.."


"He seemed to like it a bit too much." He said cautiously.



"Okay? That's it?! He's with Elena. Our own sister. Shouldn't we stop him from cheating on her?" Jer says rambling.

I sigh, "Jer-bear, Elena treats him like dog shit. And I kinda like Kathy. I think they'd be good together. She's always loved him. And maybe he can even try to convince her to join our side."

"Alright. As long as you're okay with it."

The plan worked and Elena showed up ruining everything. Just like in the show.

'Boo-fucking-hoo, Elena's in pain. We have to stop.'

It doesn't really matter to me if she dies but damn, do you have to ruin everything?


Elena walks to her car and gets kidnapped. I just watch and laugh silently and stay where I am standing out of his sight.

I walk up to him. He looks startled and surprised. He goes to grab me but I wave a hand freezing him in place. I go up to him and look him in the eyes.

"You don't see me right?" He nods and goes to put Elena in the car. I hop in the passenger seat and we start driving.

We get there and I immediately look Trevor and Rose in the eyes saying the same thing I said to the driver. Of course Elena wakes up and makes a fuss. I just sit across from his using 'invisique', so she doesn't see me and do something stupid like demand I save her.

He finally gets here and I tingle with excitement. I'm so close to meeting  Niklaus.

⚜️One more chapter and then he's here!! ⚜️

Thx 4 reading ❤️

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