Chapter 28 (Mature)

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Nik and I were out in the woods for a few days. Living off stream water, animals, and berries.

Not gonna lie... it wasn't the best.

But Nikki was so happy. And I could tell he needed more time to run and be carefree.

But eventually we turned back and went back to his place. The minute we walked through the door he was on me. I was surprised at first but then wrapped my arms around him, kissing him deeper.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and dropped his hands to my ass. I hummed against his lips and drag my fingers through his hair.

I moan when he slides his tongue in my mouth, caressing mine. The kiss becomes frantic and melting. I squeak as he picks me up and wrap my legs around his legs on instinct.  

I pull away and pant on his lips. "What's gotten into you?" I whisper.

He pecks me on the lips and walks to the bed. He kisses me on the cheek and on my nose. I smile and giggle before kissing him back on his nose. he smiles at me and fuck, if it isn't gorgeous.

"I don't know," he kisses me, "But I am randy for you, love." He growls.

I gasp as he tosses me on the bed like a ragdoll.

Which I may or may not love.

The way he just manhandles me makes me feel safe. Like I don't have to make decisions and I don't have to worry about what to do, because he'll tell me what to do.

He crawls over me and places his lips on my neck. I sigh in pleasure and run my fingers through his hair holding his head there. He sucks and nips at my skin, making a hickey before moving up slightly to make another.

I whimper when I feel him suck behind my ear. I turn my head away to give him more space while I pant into the air. I spread my legs to make room for his body. He rests his body on mine slowly and our cocks meet. He grinds into me, rubbing slowly. 

I moan and grip his hair to pull his head up. I crash my lips to his and thrust my hips up.

He pulls away and I whine. I open my eyes reluctantly and watch him sit up on his knees throwing his shirt on the floor. His leans over and grabs the lube from the nightstand. I sigh in relief as he moves back.

He smirks and tucks his fingers in my jeans by the waistband. He pulls them and my briefs down just enough to free my cock and ass. 

He clicks the bottle open and lathers his fingers in it. He places the bottle next to him before pushing my knees up to my shoulders.

"Hold these for me love?" he asked smugly.

I nod quickly and grab them. I know he is teasing me, but I don't think he or me really have the patience for it.

"Nikki.." I moan when he slides the first finger in. I take a deep breath and let him stretch me. After the first couple times we had sex, the pain is more just an uncomfortable feeling. So hopefully he can hurry his ass up.

He works his way up to three fingers after a minute, I was already loose because we did it last night. 

He slides his fingers out slowly as I whine from the empty feeling. He shushes me softly and reaches down to unbuckle his belt. He pulls it free and tosses it on the floor before tugging down his pants midthigh. He uses the hand he used to finger me to wipe the excess lube on his cock.

I moan impatiently and squirm. 

"I know, Kitten.. I'm coming." He whispers as he nudges the head of his cock against my hole. I try to thrust down to get more of him but he slams into me before I can.

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