Chapter 2

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So it's been two years.

I can waddle around now and speak pretty good. I like messing with people, it's so great. To be honest I'm a menace.

I keep stealing peoples keys and hiding them places. Jump out of nowhere and scare people shitless.

Also when I said my first word. The reactions I got when I called Miranda a bitch! Man, it was hilarious. And I'm not the only one who thought so. Jenna was laughing, so was John, even Dad was chuckling.

Anyway, baby Jeremy is coming home today. And I can tell Miranda isn't happy about it.

I don't know what her problem is with boys but I'm not gonna let her pass that shit onto Jeremy.

The kid wasn't even born yet but Miranda acts as if he did something wrong already.

At this point all her attention is on Elena. She doesn't even speak to me anymore. I don't speak to her either, so whatever. That bitch can fuck off.

I'm kinda happy that she dies. I just hate that she has to take my Dad with her.

The bitch deserves to rot in hell. Alone.

The front door opens and Dad comes in with Jeremy in his car seat and his baby bag.

Oh my fucking god.

Jeremy is so cute!!

I run over to him when Dad puts his car seat on the couch.

I climb on the couch and look at him.

He is so adorable! Such chubby cheeks! Aww, he's sleeping.

"Hi Jer-bear. I'm Ellie, your big brother. I'll protect you from this crazy world I promise." I whispered quietly.

Dad having watched the whole thing comes over and ruffles my brown hair.

"You'll be a great big brother Ellie." He says softly, smiling at me.

"Thanks Daddy." I giggled.


I'm ten years old now. I made friends with Caroline and Tyler in first grade. Mostly because Elena didn't like them. So I thought 'Well too motherfucking bad, now you have to see them all the time'.

Anyway since the first grade we have kinda grown apart, I'm mostly a loner now.

Me and Jeremy are besties. Seriously, he's my best friend. I told him about the vampire stuff, and the originals, werewolves too. Pretty much everything I know, except for me being reincarnated into a tv show.

I told him a can see the future in my dreams. He won't believe me in a couple years when he grows up but still! He can't say I never told him.

Dad is still awesome, he got me into martial arts class, along with a karate and judo class.

I'm also training by myself. Not much, I mean I'm ten so, I'm basically just running laps and doing pushups. Nothing too serious.

Elena is the same. Attention hog and a self centered brat.

Miranda's the same too. Indulging her, and giving her everything she wants, while ignoring her two other children.

I didn't want her to hurt Jer-bear by ignoring him and him growing up thinking he's unloved. I mean he is, but just by her! I love him to the moon and back. Anyway, I didn't want him hurt so I lied and said she doesn't talk to us because she doesn't want us to know that she's going through a mental breakdown.

It's not really that far fetched if you think about it.

Currently I'm just sitting in the woods (like normal kids do) and I see a baby fox.

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