Chapter 7

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I look at Damon and become confused. He was with me the whole time. So it wasn't him. I look over at them discussing Vicki and stand up, making my way to the exit.

If Damon didn't do it, and she still disappeared then she has to be somewhere.

I walk to a bench sit down and close my eyes. I hear Damon right behind me asking about what I'm doing. I ignore him and focus on the locater spell I'm gonna do.

"Brellinia colosha es du elebro." I whisper the spell to myself.

"What?" Damon says.

"I'm doing a locator spell Damon, be quiet for a minute, kay?"

I take the silence as an okay and say the spell again.

"Brellinia colosha es du elebro."

Suddenly I see her, flashes run through my mind.

I see Vicki slumped over a toilet seat and an empty pill bottle on the floor next to her.

Then I see a flash of the Grill sign and sigh.

"She's still in the Grill, but we gotta get to her fast, I think she overdosed." I stand up fast and run back into the Grill.

Everyone looks at me weird but I run past them and to the women's bathroom, until Elena steps in front of me.

"What the hell Elliot? First your a nasty weirdo that hangs out by yourself all day, now you're a pervert trying to get into the girl's bathroom?" She sneers at me.

"First, I'm not by myself all day, I'm hanging out with Hank, and second Vicki is in there. She took some pills and she needs help." I try to get around her but she pushes me.

Oh this bitch. I don't have a problem hitting women. If she hits me first it's self defense. The bitch better watch it.

"Yeah right, Hank doesn't count, he's a mangy little mutt." She smiles at me.

"Bitch say something about Hank again and you'll see what happens. I got no problem hitting a girl, if you can start fights you can finish them. And did you completely ignore that I said Vicki is in there and needs help?!"

"Master? You called my name?"

I hear Hank through our link. I totally forgot it was there since we are together all the time.

"Yeah, sorry Hank. Just dealing with Elena again. Then she brought up you, and I almost flipped my shit." I replied.

"Hit me and you'll have to deal with Matt and Stefan. Anyway, I don't believe you. How do you know Vicki's in there?" She asks cockily.

I roll my eyes, I don't have time for this. I grab her face. Her eyes widen and she goes to yell at me but I use 'Problem Solver'.

"You wanna go back to the table and tell Matt you found his sister in the bathroom, she was unconscious and she probably overdosed on something. You are so worried for her you call an ambulance. Right?"

Her eyes are dazed as she replies,"Right. Poor Vicki, I hope she's okay." She says, a worried face replacing her blank one. She walks to her table and tells them.

I walk away, seeing as there is nothing I can do now.

I walk out of the Grill and Damon is waiting for me.

I smile and we walk to Damon's to hang out.


We were watching a movie when Damon zoned out.

I look at him and ask what's up.

"It's seems Elena is here. ...and they are talking about journals and diaries ...oh! They just kissed."

"Oh. I don't really care." I say.

I spend the rest of the movie talking to Hank about what he wants for dinner until it's time for me to leave.


I've spent all morning consoling Jeremy.

Apparently he saw Vicki and Tyler last night.

I think I'm gonna let her die. She brings a lot of drama, and hurt to my Jer-bear.

I sigh as I walk into school, another day of boring ass classes about things I've already learned. I'm getting all A's so I guess that's good. I'll have my pick of colleges and I'll get the hell outta here.

I see Stefan's awkward interaction with Bonnie and figure the dinner is gonna come soon.

Hmm, I think I'll go with Damon instead of Caroline.

I'm actually surprised Stefan hasn't gotten on my ass yet about knowing Katherine.

I'll see how that turns out.


After seeing Stefan and Elena on the football field I immediately turned around and left.

I know that she's gonna quit and I know that Stefan is gonna quit when Tanner dies.

I leave school and head to the Grill.

I sigh when I finally sit only to feel the need to take a piss. I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom.

I walk to the men's room and open the door. I walk in and see no stalls open, and I ain't going in the urinal. I walk to the family bathroom.

I'm about to open the door when I hear moans.

I twist the knob testing to see if it's open.

Damn! It's unlocked, who does that and leaves that shit unlocked?! They are some risk takers.

I giggle and decide it's gonna be funny as shit to see their faces when I catch them.

"Oh, ...yes, right there." I hear muffled.

I'll give 'em a minute.


Okay, minute over.

I open the door and gasp at who I see.

Oh, my, god.

Is that...

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