⚜️Bonus Chapter⚜️ (Mature)

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Eww. Ew. Ew. Ew.

Oh my god I'm fucking traumatized.

Earlier (Jenna's POV):

"Come on Jenna. That was years ago. You can't hold that over my head." He says following me into the kitchen.

"Are you kidding me John? You came to my house drunk and stumbling. Then demanded we have sex." I exclaim waving my hands around. I open the cabinets and grab the bag of popcorn.

This man drives me mad. In every way. I get heated with anger and something else but I ignore it.

"Jenna, I was drunk. I apologized a hundred times already and you said it was fine." He said exasperated.

"Yea, well I lied." I shrug and turn away walking up the steps to my room. The kids aren't home and won't be home for a few more hours. This was supposed to be my relaxing time. But nooooo, John came saying he wanted to hang out.

He follows me again and I get irritated.

"Why are you following me John?!" I ask harshly when I step a foot into my room, him trying to get in behind me.

"We need to talk Jenna." He says sighing.

"About what? There's nothing to talk about." I turning away from him and walking into my room slamming the door in his face.

The door slams open making me jump and snap my head at him.

He storms to me and grabs my head smashing our lips together. My eyes stare at him and stay still. Frozen. The popcorn drops from my hands as they shake.

He continues to kiss me and grabs my waist pulling me closer. My eyes start to flutter as I melt into the kiss.

Kissing him back he backs me up until the back of my knees hit the bed and I fall down on top of it. Our kiss breaks and we stare at each other. No one saying a word he leans over me and starts kissing down my neck to my collarbone.

His hands move under my shirt while sucking and nipping on my skin making marks. My hands go to hair and pull him up to my face kissing him heatedly. Our tongues exploring each other. I muffle a moan as I feel his hand squeeze my breast through my bra.

His lips leave mine and tugs my shirt over my head, tossing it on the floor. He stares at me and not a second later he's attacking my chest. My heart was pounding and I swear he could hear it. His eyes lock with mine as he reaches under me to unclasp my bra.

My bra joins my shirt on the floor and I lay there looking at him with hunger. I sit up and tug on his shirt. He gets the message and takes it off. Leaning down he goes to my breast sucking on my nipple, his one hand pinching and rubbing the other. The other hand going to unbutton my jeans.

I moan loudly as my head tilts back.

"John." I moan and move my hands to his pecs and abs feeling his smooth skin.

He lifts his head to look at me, lust clouding his eyes.

I lift my hips and shimmy out of my jeans hurriedly.

"Damn." He says looking at me in nothing but black lace panties. My breasts bounce as I pant for air. I scoot up the bed and lay down with my head in the in the pillows. Just waiting for him.

He stands and takes his jeans off, leaving him in boxers. I moan at the sight and move my hand down to my pussy. His eyes follow it as he pulls down his underwear.

I slip my hands under the lace and slide my fingers over my slit. My finger goes to my clit and I rub in tight circles. I moan and whimper looking John in the eyes.

He finally snaps and grabs my hand ripping it from my pussy. I gasp as he rips my panties and throws them behind him. He look at me from top to bottom. From my face filled with anticipation, to the marks he made on my neck. Down to my breasts, nipples red from when he played with them. His eyes go from my breasts to my pussy, drenched, ready and waiting for him.

He licks his lips and moves his head to my pussy. He doesn't give me a chance to even breath before he starts devouring me. I moan as he licks my slit his tongue moving to my clit. I grab his hair and shove his face down harder. He sucks on my clit and his fingers find my entrance.

My legs start shaking as he continues. The sheen of sweat on my skin makes it's way on me. I gasp for breath when he starts fingering me while licking my pussy. His tongue making eights on my clit.

"John, John I'm g-going to cum." I whimper. He smirks against me and thrusts his fingers faster and deeper. I climax with a scream, my legs squeezing his head as they clamp together. As my orgasm goes down I let go of his hair, loosen my legs around his head and lay there panting for breath as he licks up my cum.

"Delicious." He says lifting his head from me.

I blush and shake my head. "How are you so good at that?"

"I'm good at a lot of things." He smiles at me handsomely.

I chuckle and sit up. I stand up and lead him to sit on the edge of the bed. He looks at me confused for a second before understanding when I kneel in front of him.

He looks at me in awe before shaking his head. I look at him with a raised brow.

Don't men like this?

"You don't have to do that Jenna."

"I know. I want to." I say seductively.

I lean forward and lick the tip getting a taste of precum. He hisses through his teeth and puts a hand on my head. Not pushing just laying it there. I suck his tip into my mouth before letting him deeper into me before moving forward then backward bobbing my head.

He groans deeply and push my head lightly down. His cock hits the back of my throat and I gag.

"You good?" He asks me, his voice strained.

I nod my head and bob faster, when he hits the back of my throat again I swallow him. He gasps and moves his hands to the back of by head.
He starts face fucking me. His thrusts start and he groans. I stare at him, admiring his pleasure filled face. My eyes start tearing up the harder he thrusts, my throat filled with his cock.

I hum and place my one hand on his thigh. My other hand going to his balls. I rub them, weighing them in my hand.

"I'm close."

His thrusts get frantic and deeper. He stutters with his hips until finally he cums into my mouth. Spurts of cum going down my throat. He groans through his orgasm and pants, his hands still in my hair.

I swallow everything and slowly back my head away, his cock slipping out.

I pant and look at him as he looks at me.

"You still mad at me?" John asks cockily.

I smile and chuckle.

"Hmm, maybe ask after another round." We both laugh before moving to the bed laying in each others arms.

Maybe he isn't so bad.

As we lay down naked cuddling I hear the door open. I gasp and look over.

"Oh my god, my eyes! Why do I keep opening doors without knocking?!" I hear Ellie scream.

The door slams shut and John and I look at the door stunned for a moment before bursting out laughing.

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