Chapter 18

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I raise my hand and the door slams shut before Elena can run out of it.

I chuckle humorlessly, my rage simmering under my skin and shake my head disapprovingly.

"No, no, no. Stay, please. We need to have a little chat."

I gesture at the couch. When they don't take a seat I drag them to the couch with magic. They let out little shrieks and whimpers but they should have thought of what would happen when you mess with my Nikki.

I thought I made it super clear not to mess with my man when she and Bonnie tried to take him down at the dance. I threatened her, I choked her, I even asked her nicely the first time. But she wants to ignore it? And then try to hurt my big bad hybrid baby?

Too late to turn back bitch.

"Hey Bonnie." I say casually. I walk in front of her and smirk.

She try's to sink into the couch but she knows she isn't going anywhere.

"Aww, don't be like that. Remember when I said leave my Nikki alone? No? Because I remember really well. And I could've sworn I said I'd do something worse than death to you if you still went after him." I say mockingly.

"Ringing any bells?" I stare at her dropping the friendly facade.

"I'm sorry, really, Elena said you were in danger-" she rambled to herself.

"But you knew I wasn't in danger when you did the little aneurism spell didn't you?!" I shout.

"I'm s-sorry I was just going to the p-plan."

"You're going to be sorry." I say looking at her with a smile.

"Accipe nunc virtutem tuam ab illa, et magicam ei a maioribus aufer, ut in magnis Calendis patiatur, priusquam in ostio mortum iaceat." I finish with a smile.

She shakes and yells in pain.

Hm. She should have thought about who to trust before she came in here and hurt my man.



"What did you do to her?!" She cries.

I sigh and laugh lightly.

"Nothing big, just taking away her powers and her ability to talk to her ancestors. Oh! And she has a few more months to live."

"Oh my god Bonnie! This is all my fault." She starts crying and sobbed into her hands.

Yeah. It's your fault.

"I don't know what made you think it was alright to intrude into my life." I look at her confused.

"You always hated me Elena. From being bratty when we were kids to being cruel and a downright bully now. I don't know why you're like this. I don't really care either. All I know is that I've had enough." I walk to her and crouch down in front of her.

"You had your chance to be civil. To be safe and sound in your own home. But then you went and attacked someone I care greatly for. You knew the consequences."

"She wasn't even supposed to attack him! It was supposed to be you!" She screams in my face.

Nikki growls and I stare at her.

I'm not really shocked but.. I thought she was at least a little bit less cruel than she was. I guess that was just wishful thinking.

"Why did you want her to attack me?" I asked calmly.

"You are always in the way! You took Jeremy from me, Stefan left me after spending time with you, and you make out with the people who want to kill me! I hate you Elliot! The world would be a better place without you!" She sneers at me.


I stay there just looking at her.

"The world would be a better place without you too. But I never tried to kill you. Even though I really wanted to. Even though I wanted you to die like my father did." I say to her lowly.

"Don't talk about Dad! He wasn't even your real father!" She screams at me.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"He was my father. Blood doesn't matter. He was and forever will be my family. And you weren't his kid either. Don't forget that. You know who your parents are. Miranda, Isabell and John. Although I'm pretty sure John doesn't want to know you." I chuckle at her hurt face.

I look over to a passed out Bonnie and back to Elena.

"Are you done now? You've caused so much hurt and damage. Are you satisfied now?" I ask genuinely.

"I haven't done anything!"

"Sure." I roll my eyes and stand back up. I take a deep breath and let it out.

"Yinuo haji erral nu sera. Anda lotna coliman, ju ru nandamay." I finish the spell and she drops unconscious.

I giggle and shrug turning around to go to my Nikki.

He looks at my curiously and moves his leg, testing if the spell was still active.

When he can move he whooshes over to me and grabs my waist pulling us together.

I smile and look up at him.

"So, what was that about being more powerful than even me?" He asks smirking.

I blush and look down at my feet.

He pushes his fingers under my chin lifting my head. He chuckles and shakes his head.

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