Chapter 17

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I kiss back immediately and move my hands to his shoulders.

He kisses me deeper and starts pushing me back so that I'm laying on the bed with him hovering over me. Our lips never breaking away from each other.

His hand that was holding my cheek moves down. Caressing my jaw and down my throat. He pauses there for a moment, his thumb rubbing above my Adam's apple before moving on to drag his hand down my side and resting it at my hip.

He goes to slide his hand under the waistband of my pants when the door bursts open.

He breaks away from me instantly with a growl. I look at him and see him wolfing out. I sigh in frustration and look at the door.

"Get away from my brother Klaus. This has nothing to do with him. If you want me that's fine but leave my brother out of this."

This bitch.

I look at Elena and can't decide whether to kill her or torture her first. Bonnie is just standing next to her looking awkward. She was the first person to walk in so she probably saw us kissing.

Boohoo for Bonnie. I don't really give a fuck if she saw. The problem is she shouldn't be here in the first place. I was about to get some Mikaelson lovin'.

"You bitch." I growl, she looks over to me surprised.

"Elliot! Are you okay?" She asks me in fake concern running over to the bed.

Is she for real?

"He's just fine. In fact he was about to be a lot more than fine before you barged into my house uninvited." Nikki says looking at Elena in annoyance, join the club.

"Listen, it's one thing to come after me because you need me but-"

"Oh my good lord, he doesn't need you! He needs your blood dumbass." I shout at her exasperated. Does this bitch think he needs her? I think the fuck not.

He doesn't need nor want her. He needs her blood, that's it.

"It's the same thing Elliot!"

"No it's not! Are you stupid?! Why are you even here? How did you even know I was here?" I ask annoyed and impatient for answers.

I swear if she thinks this is saving me-

"I came to save you Elliot. Maybe you should try to be more grateful."

"Are you serious right now? I can save myself! I'm more powerful than anyone in this room. Including Nikki. You know that, I know that, so tell me what's the real reason? Hm? Got tired of the attention not being on you for once? Don't worry, he'll need you for the ritual, so go and wait for your time to shine. In the meantime I'd like to get back to what I was doing." I look over to Nikki and see him smirking.

Damn. Just the sight of him has my stomach tingling.

And the sound of Elena's voice has to ruin the view of Niklaus Mikaelson.

"And what do you need to be getting back to exactly?" She asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and am about to say it isn't any of her business when a thought pops into my head. I mentally smirk and look at her with a blank face.

I stand up, walk past her to Nikki and slide my arms around his neck. I look back to Elena, who was looking between us confused and in disgust.


I stand on my tippy toes and smash my lips against his. His hands go to my waist and pull me closer. He nips my lips for me to open my mouth. I do it eagerly and feel his tongue in my mouth. I moan feeling his hand squeezing my asscheek.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

She just had to ruin it.

I forget she was even here. I pull away slowly, panting and leaning my forehead against his.

Looking into each other's eyes. We smile and he pecks my lips a few times.

I sigh contently and look over to her.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I ask in a bored tone.

"How could you do that to me?! He's been trying to kill me!" She whines. She look between us looking betrayed.

Is she really this dumb though? Because how can someone betray you when they were never really on your side? Unless she lives in some delusional land where I can actually tolerate her.

"Ugh, this isn't about you. And I couldn't care less about him trying to kill you. Honestly I don't even know why you're still here."

She looks at me shocked before looking at Bonnie and doing a not-so-subtle nod towards Niklaus.

Oh hell naw.

I know she's not about to do what I think she's going to do right? Right?!

Bonnie hesitantly starts saying a spell that has Nikki falling to the floor in pain.

I look down at him worried and look back to Bonnie furious. Is this bitch for real?!

"Lesdendi pli digi bokeli. You'll be fine Nikki." I say softly. He sighs in relief when the pain went away. Holding his head he stands up and looks at a frightened Bonnie and Elena.

He growls and goes to attack them but I hold him back by binding him to the floor.

He looks back at me and growls.

"Let me go sweetheart. Or it will be ugly for you." He says looking me dead in the eyes.

Damn. See? This is what happens when Elena is around, she ruin's everything.

Now he's angry at me! And we were doing great too. Sure it probably was gonna lead to a one night stand for him but I was about to put him under the 'Ellie spell'.

It's not an actual spell, just me and my charms.

And let's face it..

That's a spell no one can break from. I'm just that awesome.

"I can't do that Nikki. They messed with someone I care about and they can't just get away with it." I move to him and stroke his hair. He growls a little but I can tell he did it halfheartedly. I smile softly at him and go on to stroke his cheek.

He leans into my hand and looks me in the eye. He nods slowly and sighs a frustrated breath.

I beam at him and he smirks at me.

I turn around at Bonnie and Elena who were trying to sneak out.

Now that just won't do.

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