Chapter 16

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"Is it bold? I've never really noticed because I can beat anyone's ass." I say with a smile.

I school my features before turning around and getting a good look at him.

His face smirking at me with his hands behind his back. I shiver and feel hot just looking at him. This time in the proper body.

"Oh really? And exactly whose ass did you beat? Damon? Stefan? They aren't exactly competition." He chuckles.

I giggle, "Yeah, your right, I took them down easily with a swipe of my hand. However, let's cut to the chase. Why are you here Niklaus? To kill them? They have nothing to do with Elena."

"I know they don't love, but as her sibling you will always have something to do with her."

I look at him confused until I realize with excitement what he's here for.

"Your here for me?" My voice coming out strained from holding back the need to jump up and down squealing.

"Listen love, if you come with me willingly and don't make a fuss this will all be over sooner. Although it will still happen whether you agree or not." He smile's evilly but I can see he's stressed by his tired eyes.

I shake my head and chuckle, "Sure whatever."

He looks at me suspiciously, he walks to me and grabs my hand. I look down and smile.

"Let's go then, we have doppelgängers to kill." He chuckles evilly, although right now he just looks like a villain. But that's okay! Villains are hotter anyway.

Although, seeing as I kinda don't care if he kills people I seem kinda psycho too.



We get to Nikki's place (Alarics apartment) and he leads me to the bed.... not in that way!

..I wish.

"Stay here unless you want everyone you ever cared for ripped apart." He says while grabbing a bottle of whiskey Alaric kept in the bottom cabinet.

"Oh oh oh, can I have a drink please?" I ask smiling at him innocently.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks. Hm. He thinks I can't handle some whiskey. Rude.

"Hm, do you think your small little body can take alcohol?" He says trying to be mocking. I just roll my eyes and huff.

"I'm not that small! And it's been a very hard day. Being kidnapped and all. So just give me a drink Nikki." The nickname slipped out before I knew what I was saying. I sat there blushing so hard my face felt like it was melting.

"Nikki? Really?" He made an unimpressed face but his eyes were filled with humor.

I sighed in relief, my face cooling down a little but not back to its normal color.

"It's just what I've been calling you in my head," I say truthfully, "don't make a big deal out of it." I play with my hands and shift on the bed.

He watches me shift and fidget, observing me. He makes our drinks and comes over to the bed sitting next to me. He hands me my drink and grazes my fingers. I flinch and my face- that just cooled down- heats back up.

He chuckles at my reaction and takes a sip of his drink. His eyes never leaving me.

I drink my whiskey just so I have something to do. The way he's looking at me makes me shift self consciously.

"What?" I ask finally fed up with the staring. Jeez. He makes me so embarrassed.

"Nothing. It's just cute when you squirm." He chuckles before finishing his drink.

Did he.. just say I'm cute?

Oh my god.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.


I squeal loudly and bounce on the bed. He looks at me like I'm crazy but I don't care.

"Really? You think I'm cute? Really?!" I ask rapidly, needing an answer. This means he finds men attractive too!

I squeal again at my revelation. He stands up and looks down at me.

Cheeks red and inwardly jumping up and down in happy, I look up at him and smile widely.

While his eyes are on me I feel my body heat up. The way his eyes rake my body up and down makes me shiver in anticipation. I take a big, deep calming breath and look him in the eyes.

"First, calm down." He says looking at me warily. "...second, yes, I think your cute. And guessing from your reactions and the... noises you made when I paid attention to you I'm going to say you like me." He smirks at me and moves closer.

My energy from his compliment (?) leaves me and I stare at him not knowing what to do.

I have no sexual experience. At all. I was gay in my last life but I never came out. And I wasn't gonna have sex with a woman. Gross. They have parts I don't wanna see. Ever.

"Uh, so what if I like you. Is that a problem?" I ask, nervous for his response.

"Not at all kitten," Kitten? Oh my god, he gave me a pet name! "but it might be a problem for you. What are your friends going to say if they knew you liked me?"

"They already know! They don't have any problems with it, and even if they did have a problem it isn't really any of their business." I rush out.

He leans down, his face close to mine. I can feel his warm breaths on me. I breathe in shakily, trying to calm my pounding heart.

"So if I kissed you..." he trailed off lowly.

"They wouldn't care." I say matching his tone.

He leans closer to me, his hand holding my cheek and presses his lips to mine.

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