Chapter 20

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"So, what I'm about to say is going to sound completely crazy. And if it doesn't sound crazy to you then you're the one that's crazy-" I ramble until Nikki cuts me off.

"Stop stalling love." He says sternly. He sighs and looks at the fire, just watching it burn.

He looks tired. And who can blame him? I'm so full of shit right now and I won't just get straight to the point. But my anxiety is holding me back. I feel like the my world will fall apart if he knows the truth. Like I'll fall apart at the slightest hint of rejection. I take a deep breath and look at him. At his handsome face and beautiful features. I hate that everyone just see's the worst in him. But that's okay, because I want to keep him all to myself anyway. ...that sounds obsessive doesn't it? Well I kinda am sooo, I'm just gonna embrace it.

The thought of him just looking at me strangely makes my heart stutter. But I need to stop overthinking it. Because he deserves the truth and I'm not gonna give him anything less than what he deserves.

"I'm, ... not sure how to say this,.. so i'm just going to start from the beginning okay?" I ask him. I look at him, waiting for an answer and only get a nod.

Great, now I can't even get verbal answers.

"I was born into a family, one that wasn't loving and caring like normal ones. I had a mom that thought I was a disapointment and a dad that just didn't care. When my older sister was born they had plans. She was going to go to Yale and be a lawyer, just like dad. And then they were gonna marry her off to a business partners son. When my sister was five, I was born. I was unplanned unlike my sister. Sometimes I used to wish they didn't have me. And I knew they felt the same, but aboriton would have been bad for their reputation." I take a deep shaky breath, trying to calm down a bit. Nik comes closer to me with a confused face but stays quiet, letting me talk. I mean, why wouldn't he be confused I'm supposed to be a Gilbert.

"Me and River, that's my sister, basically were all each other had. She raised me though, she fed me when mom and dad weren't home to make dinner, which was often. I remember once when she was fifteen and I was ten we had this picnic on the roof. I was so scared and she told me everything was fine as long as she was there." I sniffle and sit criss cross on the ground. Nikki follwed me, sitting next to me, grabbing my hand and stroking it.

"That's basically what our reltionship was. Her protecting me, her raising me, her teaching me manners and how to ride a bike. She was always there, she was my parent. My mom, dad, guardian, and whole family. It was her. When she was eighteen and going into college, she decided she didin't want to be a lawyer. You can imagine what a shock that was to my parents. She was ruining all the plans they made and she didn't have a single regret. I always admired that about her. She eventually got her degree in psychology and went on to be a therapist. And she was good at it. I was visiting her apartment one day when I was in college.She was telling me about her boyfriend and she was beaming about the progress she was getting from her patient. She was happy." I was full on sobbing now but pushed to finish. Niklaus sighs before moving to me and hugging me close to his chest.

I take a deep breath and try to calm down. Tears are still flowing but I try to keep going.

"We were just eating when people came bursting throught the door. They were taking and breaking her stuff. She told them to take whatever they wanted. They were talking or something and the next thing I knew she was shot and bleeding out. She told me to live and have a family. Be happy. It's just hitting me now that I couldn't fulfill her wishes. After she died my parents made me become a cop. Anything to make the family look good. I did what they asked. I mean, why would I fight for a future and job I wanted when the one person I wanted there with me to see it wasn't there? I was wrecked I was not really living. Sure I woke up everyday, sure I went to work, sure I faked smiles and laughs, and sure I walked and talked like I was fine. But I wasn't. I died when she died, well mentally at least. I used to try anything that would get a reaction out of me. To feel like I was alive, to show the tiniest of emotions. That's when I found this T.V show. It was so ridiculously stupid that it was comical. And bam, suddenly I had something to look forward to each week. I watched every episode and season. I hated it but I hated to miss it too."

How do I say this? How do I say that we are in a T.V world? Wait, no. I still have to tell him I died. God damn, this is so much more complicated than I thought.

What exactly should I say? He's gonna look at me like a psychiatric patient. Damnit! I need this to be over.

"One day when I was out on a call a man shot me. I died. And suddenly I wake up in a dark place. Only to realize that I'm in someone's womb. I was reborn, and if that wasn't enough I found out I was in a T.V show. And not just any T.V show it was the one I watched every week and the one I knew everything about. Then I started to build a life for myself. I made friends and family and-and-" I stumble on my words until I'm cut off by Nikki.

"So, what you're tryng to say is that... you are reborn and that this is a... teleivision show? Do you take me for a fool?" He asks in outrage.

I quickly shake my head and rush to hold his hand to make him stop from getting up.

"No, I definetly don't think your fool, in fact I think you're the oppiste of a fool, your a smart and wonderful man. Please, please, please believe me. I'm not lying. In fact I can prove it to you. I know everything about your life, hell everyones life in this shitty town."


"Okay?!" I ask eagerly. I smile at him and wait for his answer. Hopefully he'll believe me. It already hurts to know that he thinks I'm a liar.

"Yes, okay. Prove it to me, and if I don't buy it I'll kill you before you can even blink." He growls.

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