Chapter 11 (Mature)

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What. The. Fuck.

We got in the car not even five minutes ago and Jer and D already started the fucking flirt fest. Now I have no problems with it, it just sucks that their flirting is fighting and I'm annoyed as shit right now. Don't get me wrong it was cute earlier but now I'm tired and hungry.

"Your opinion doesn't matter to me dick."

"Well obviously it should, I'm the best. At everything. You should listen to me Little Gilbert."

"I don't have to listen to a word you sa-" I interrupted him before he could say anything else.

"Both of you stop it now." I growl.

"But he-"

"I don't care Jeremy. I don't have time to sit here and wait for you two to realize you like each other. It's causing me problems and I honestly don't care how you feel about me outing your feelings for each other. I really couldn't care less. Now you can talk and get to know each other or we can drive in silence. Which do you prefer?"

They look at each other awkwardly before looking out the window with blushing faces.



"Silence? Okay then."

And just like that we drove the rest of the way home in silence. Enzo was sleeping the whole time the lucky bastard.

I pull into the boarding house and park. We all get out and go inside, taking a seat on the couches or the armchairs, just watching the fire.

That's when Steffy wants to make an appearance.

"What are you all doing here?"

Ah great. Bummer Betty is here.

"Don't worry about it Stefan." Damon replied, looking as thrilled as I am to see him.

"You see I can't do that Damon, because everything you do somehow affects me."

"Oh my goodness. Hey! Downer Diana, we didn't do anything that could affect you or your precious Elena. So could you kindly fuck off?" I ask.

He looks at me and looks like he wants to ask something but is holding back. I'm curious about that.

"You have something to say, right Stefan?" I use 'Problem Solver'. That's right, it works on vampires too. It works on anything that has a working brain.

"Yea, what are you? Why do I fear you? Are you going to hurt Elena? Why do you know about Katherine? Do you know I still love her?" He rambles out. We all pause when we hear what he last said.


"Umm, I'll answer all that from the first question... to the last." I say informing everyone.

"What? No! Answer the last one first! Obviously it's the most interesting." Damon says.

I roll my eyes, "No Damon. Anyway, what I am is a witch, a really powerful one. Uh, what was the second one? ... oh! Why do you fear me? Well, I guess natural instinct, I'm stronger than you on your best day Ripper. Let's see, number three, I won't hurt Elena unless she does something to me or my family. Number four, how I know about Katherine is none of your business and I don't feel like sharing that to someone I don't trust. And big question number five. Did I know you were still in love with Katherine? No. But now I do. So, thanks for that! I love having tons of info I can use." I smile at him. He comes out of his daze from the spell and immediately turns red and whooshes away.

"That was your brother? The one you talked about for years?" Enzo asked looking at Damon with pity and disbelief. I guess Damon didn't describe him right. But I don't think Damon would say he's a self righteous asshole, and that's really the only way you can describe him.

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