Chapter 23

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I wake up snuggled into arms that are strong and hold me preciously. I rub my face against smooth skin and sigh sleepily. The skin vibrates and I hear chuckling.

"Is something funny Nikki?" I ask with my eyes closed.

"Yes love, there is." He chuckles. I open one eye and flinch back when I see Hank laying right next to my face on NIkki's chest.

"Hank?! What are you doing here?" I ask in disbelief.

"I was worried..mmm.. for you Master. You didn't answer mmmm-me through the link and I was scared you were..mmm...hurt." He says between purring. I watch as Nikki runs his fingers through Hank's fur and Hank practically melts. I shake my head in amusement and giggle at him.

"I'm fine Hank, I was just.... hanging out with Nikki." I blush, not knowing how to skip over the sex talk with a fox. I clear my throat and try to change the subject.

"How did you get here anyway?"

"Through the...hmmm... window."

I roll my eyes and see Nikki looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

My face heats up in embarassment. God, he just watched me have a converstation with a freaking fox. Is there even a way to explain this?

"So, um, Hank here is my famiiar.... that means he's bound to me.... by magic,..... obviously. I met him when I was a kid....anyway!"

I sit up and grab Hank, I pul him onto my lap and pet him gently, avoiding eye contact with Nikklaus.

"I'm not judging you love."

"That would be the first time someone wasn't." I laugh bitterly. I can't believe I have humiliated myself so early. I sigh and rub my face with my other hand.

"Elliot, I am not one of your little friends.... I will not lie to you to protect your feelings."

"You promise?" I whisper. I peek uner my eyelashes and hold Hank to my chest and nuzzle into his fur.

Nikklaus moves so that he's leaning on his arm, he moves his face to mine and smiles softly.

"I promise, sweetheart." He whispers back.

He leans in and kisses me lightly and softly on the lips and backs away.

"How about we get a shower love?"

I giggle and nod.



"So, what are we?"

My eyes widen in shock, I can't believe I just blurted it out. In the middle of the grill too?


"Wait! You don't have to answer that! I just asked out of nowhere, and I don't expect you to have an answer right-"

"I do have an answer though Elliot."


My heart must be beating faster than a hummingbird. Good God, I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack.

...he can probably here this right? Oh my god, that's probably so much more worse than what is already happening, now he can literally hear how nervous I am for his answer. ugh I was the world would just swallow me whole right now.

"Yes, I do, do you want to hear it?" He smirks at me.

Ugh, what an asshole, he loves making me squirm. He's lucky I love that he's an asshole and that I find that smirk sexy, otherwise I would have wiped it right off his stupid handsome face.

I roll my eyes, and sigh. I nod and cross my arms over my chest.

"Well, I want us to be... together. I don't want any other man, woman, or creature to touch you. I want you to be mine, as I'll be yours. I want to hold your hand and kill anyone who has anything to say about it, I want to cuddle and watch annoying humans on the television-" I giggle and my cheeks heat up. "I want to hold you every night and give you a kiss every moring.... is that something that you would want?"



Hey everyone!! I'm back and better than ever! I'm on new medication and am making great progress and large strides to being well. I finally felt like writing and decided to do it before I changed my mind. I know it's short but I'm hoping that if I write short chapters I'll be able to update more frequently. I really would hate to be that person to drop a story that isn't finished. So I'm gonna try my best to finish this story!!

XOXO, Love you guys!!

And thanks for reading!

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