Your stubbornness

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Honestly, when I woke up in the morning, I did not know whether all that had happened between us was just the result of my imagination, or all of this actually happened. The sweet kisses and the hickies on my neck convinced me that everything was real.

It was now clear to me that I belonged only to him and no one else.

Simon ignored me the following morning like every other time. In fact, not a single word was spoken. All he did was stare at me longingly with those eyes of a predator. And even though I knew he couldn't live without me just as I couldn't live without him, I still didn't understand why he refused to acknowledge me.

It was a long and boring day, and when the hot, scorching sun slowly began to set, we started to pack up our stuff and leave our campsite.

But something was off. I could feel it. The entire team was silent and appeared to be paralyzed by fear. As if they knew they wouldn't be coming back alive.

Since I used to think too much, I decided to stop myself from paying that much attention to it. I believed that my friends would be fine on this mission.

I thought this task would be one of the easiest I had ever done. It would have been like that, but this time fate decided to play with our lives in a very cruel way.

As I mentioned, we were instructed "to borrow" some important documents. And this time from some drug dealers. Someone messed something up and now me and my team had to take care of the chaos.

Finally we reached our destination. Our target was the house of some leader somewhere outside the city.

We were ordered to split into two groups - A and B. The first group was supposed to move into enemy territory and try to break into their main base. The other was responsible for protecting Group A and making sure that everything goes according to plan.

But our belief that the enemy was unprepared got in our way.

I was assigned to the first group, the one that was heading straight into the devil's mouth. Young soldiers who had not yet experienced the horrors of war accompanied me.

Before I could even begin to follow my instructions, I felt strong hands grab me.

"Just don't do anything stupid" I had never heard Simon so nervous and anxious. Everyone seemed to know something I didn't. But I believed it was just a damn coincidence.

"Just don't make me do something stupid" I looked at him as if I was about to lose him. Like I was about to lose myself.

Everything was alright at first. I had a total of 5 soldiers on my team. Enemy by enemy we were approaching our goal. But in the end, no one really understood what happened, what went wrong.

We were quietly performing our task when in the blink of an eye machine gun bullets began to pierce the air above us.

I took cover, but some of my friends weren't so fortunate. I witnessed the death of one of my soldiers. Although I had become used to the sight of death, this time I was more than a bit shocked. My whole body was frozen. From the tip of my toes to the top of my head, I felt paralysed.

"We gotta leave, Y/N!" Simon yelled as I held my walkie talkie.

"We are still not finished, Ghost!"

"Shut your mouth and listen to me, that is an order, your team needs to leave now!"

I usually never let stubbornness and rage take over my body, but that time it was an exception. For some reason, I thought that we would have one last chance to finish this mission if I lied to Simon about me leaving that place. So as the leader of my group, I commanded my men to run back to the first helicopter that was already waiting for this group.

"Alright, Ghost, the group is leaving" I replied and made sure my group didn't notice me saying that.

"You guys better run as fast as you can, I have to find Ghost, don't wait for me, I will get on another helicopter" The thing is, my plan was not to find Ghost and leave together. I thought risking my life and rushing to their base was the right decision.

But maybe it was the wrong one.

Your Addiction, Simon Ghost Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now