When hatred consumes

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[a/n] Ahhh, I'm so excited about this chapter 

If you want it to be more dramatic, you can listen to Safe Return by Rob Simonsen on repeat (was listening to it while writing this chapter (yes, I am delusional🤪💅))

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it<3


"Oh, I'm gonna put an end to your misery, Y/N" She pointed her pistol at me.

"Isabella, please" My eyes started watering as the cold breeze collided with my face.

"There is so much more than all of this. If only you could see it, Isabella... You can change" I could hear the sea wind whistling and the sound of waves crashing.

"I can't change!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the empty beach. I could feel the sadness in her voice, and the pain of her reality.

All that time I thought she was the opposite of me.

During that moment I realised she was a part of me.

"Isabella, please don't do this" I begged, trying to reach the humanity inside her.

"I've done too much wrong, Y/N. I can't undo it. The only way out is through this" She replied, her finger tightening around the trigger.

"But killing me won't make it any better. It won't make you feel any less guilty. You'll just add another weight to carry, another life to mourn" I said, tears streaming down my face.

"What's the point of living if I can't make up for what I've done?" Isabella slightly lowered her gun, her hand shaking as she struggled with her decision.

"The point is to try. To try and be better. It won't be easy, but it's worth it. You're worth it, Isabella" I pleaded, my voice breaking.

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the wind whipping our hair around our faces. I could see the turmoil in her eyes, the battle between her hatred and her conscience.

The beach was eerily quiet, save for the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant cries of seagulls. The sun was setting, casting a fiery orange glow across the sky. It was a beautiful sight, a reminder of the beauty that still existed in the world, even in the midst of all the pain and suffering.

But at that moment, I couldn't appreciate the beauty around me. All I could focus on was the gun pointed at my chest and the desperation in Isabella's eyes.

And then there was a deafening sound. The sound of a gunshot. For a moment, everything was still.

The waves stopped crashing.

The birds stopped crying.

It was as if time had frozen.


Shortly after Isabella left the base, she rushed to the airport and took the first flight to Mexico. And as she later drove through the fields of nothingness, she was fighting another battle inside her head.

She thought of all the fights she had to survive and the ones she had yet to win. She saw the future she wanted and the future she had been told she could never have.

When Isabella arrived at her underground base, she found some peace in the tranquility that was surrounding her.

It was a beautiful place. A coast nearby with lush green trees and vibrant flowers. That day the sun shone through the branches, casting dappled shadows across the ground, while a soft breeze rustled the leaves.

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