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In all honesty, I was not sure if my behavior could have been justified. Did I do this simply out of stupidity, or was it my determination to complete this mission and return to Simon?

Walking such a distance on foot would have been a challenge even for the most skilled soldier.

Despite the fact that it was halfway through the day, there was still a long way to go. And in order to prevent sunstroke, I decided to wrap my blouse around my head, so now only my eyes were uncovered, and put on my other jacket.

And the fact that I had no food and water clouded my mind. There was no doubt that the sun was hotter than ever, which made it even more difficult to walk. Fortunately, I managed to find some shade and took a 30-minute nap.

That small field with trees and tall grass was not the most comfortable place in the world. But the endless chirping of birds and the sounds of insects reminded me of lullabies.

So I spent another hour under one of the trees, wanting to rest and prepare for the upcoming journey. And even though I was feeling more and more tired every minute, I swore to myself that I would reach my base that evening. 

I couldn't wait to fall into my soft bed and drift into a long and sweet sleep.


As I looked into the distance, I saw my base. And even though there were a lot of pains in my whole body, especially in my feet, I knew I could not give up just yet.

It was getting dark and soon darkness surrounded me and everything else.

And maybe because it was getting late and they didn't recognize me, or maybe because they thought I was a terrorist, I heard shots. And unfortunately, I was hit by one of the bullets in the chest. I immediately fell to the ground and before blacking out, I stared at the night sky and let a smile cover my face.

After all, my journey was over and my mission was complete.


It was those shots that woke Simon up. Unsure if it was all just his imagination or reality, he decided to leave my bedroom and go to the main room. That was a place where all the team members usually spent their free time together.

As he entered the room, he noticed everyone's faces were covered in confusion. He then realized it wasn't just another nightmare. And after a few seconds of silence they heard a soldier enter their house.

"What's happening?" Soap asked first.

"We saw a suspicious man walking near our base, we're pretty sure it was a terrorist or maybe one of those guys from earlier. I need you guys to come with me and check if there is more of them", The soldier rushed to say, gesturing Ghost and Soap to follow him.


Ghost and Soap were extremely cautious as they approached my lifeless body. Blood on my chest and hands, no sign of me being still alive. And after getting quite close to my body, Soap commented:

"I don't think it's a man"

"Uncover her face" Ghost gave him an order.

And the moment Soap removed the blouse from my head, he froze and didn't know what to do. His hands started to shake, panic overtook his body.

Just being a few steps behind Soap, Ghost didn't notice it was me who got shot.

"Soap, what's wrong?"

He didn't have the strength to say anything, so he turned his head around and met Ghost's eyes.


Only then, when Soap moved his body away from mine, Ghost saw me lying there. He immediately dropped his gun and felt fear fill his mind. He then started checking my pulse.

Despite the fact that I was still alive, he could feel my heartbeat slowing down every second.

"We need a medic now. It's not a fucking terrorist, it's Heroin!" Ghost yelled through his walkie-talkie to the other soldiers.

"No, no, no, stay with me Y/N, please" Simon begged as he started touching my cheeks.

Soap was still too shocked to move a muscle but after noticing blood dripping down my body he snapped back into reality.

"It's alright, It's alright, we are here with you" As Simon continued stroking my hair he tried to calm himself, Soap and me down.

"Where is that fucking medic?" Soap asked as his voice began to shake.

But minute after minute, there was no sign of help coming their way. Without wasting any more time, Ghost took things into his own hands. He grabbed me and started running towards the base, hoping I still had a chance of making it out live. 

He didn't let himself think that this could be our last moment together. 

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