Fallen for a lie

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The town was cloaked in darkness, with the only illumination coming from the dim glow of the streetlights. The heavy rain made visibility even worse, with drops falling from the sky with increasing ferocity. Both of us were soaked, our clothing clinging to our skin.

Despite the miserable conditions, we continued, determined to reach our destination. We moved through the narrow alleyways, taking each step with care as we navigated the unfamiliar terrain. However, the tension between us was palpable due to the recent argument still fresh in our minds.

I didn't have any regrets, though I have to admit that I secretly enjoyed showing Isabella just a small fraction of my existing rage. And I knew that if she decided to push the boundaries one more time, she would witness the real me.


Seconds turned into minutes, but we still continued our mission. Tension and fear hung heavy in the air, as we knew one wrong move could spell disaster. And because of Isabella's mistake, we almost got spotted by the terrorists driving through, making sure they had control of the situation.

Just as they were closing in on their destination, we were able to locate them through our tracking system. They were only a few buildings away from our position when we heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire in the distance.

The sound of bullets whizzing through the air was deafening, drowning out all other noise. Then, suddenly, there was a loud explosion that echoed through the streets, shaking the ground beneath our feet.

"Ghost, do you copy?" I asked, trying to control my shaking voice.

There was no response for a few seconds, but just as I was about to contact him again, Simon's voice came through my walkie-talkie.

"Team Alpha has been spotted" The voice crackled through the radio.

"Should we..." I started to ask, but Simon interrupted me.

"Just don't do anything stupid" He warned.

"The last time you said that, I almost ended up dead" I chuckled, remembering how stubborn I had been in the past.

"I like you alive, so let's keep it that way"


"What do you think you're doing?" I asked in frustration, my voice barely above a whisper as I spoke to Isabella. She was now hiding behind a car near the main street.

"Let's take a closer look" She replied, but I could sense that her intentions were different.

I must admit, my curiosity to see what was happening was too strong, so I quickly ran to where Isabella was hiding. We both huddled behind the car, our hearts pounding in our chests.

As the gunfire continued to ring out, people from nearby buildings began turning on their lights, their faces appearing in the windows like ghosts in the darkness. Fear and confusion were etched on their features as they watched the chaos unfold in front of them. Their screams pierced the air, a chorus of terror and disbelief now surrounding us. With a deep breath, I readied my weapon, preparing to fight.

"Shit, I think they've spotted us" Isabella said, her voice trembling.

With grim determination, I peered over the top of the car, taking in our surroundings. The terrorists were closing in, their faces twisted with rage and hatred. I could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on me, fear and adrenaline mixing together in a heady cocktail of emotion.

As the terrorists began shooting at us, we remained hidden behind the car, our bodies shaking with every bullet that struck it. It was a terrifying moment, a fight for survival that could only end in one of two ways.

Shooting back would have been a waste of ammunition since we were outnumbered and outgunned.

I knew I had to think fast and make a decision, but my mind was blank. I had no idea what to do, but Isabella quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the scene. We ran into one of the alleyways until we were out of sight, my heart pounding in my chest as I glanced back one last time, only to see them closing in on us.


"Ghost, do you copy?"

"GHOST?" I panicked as I heard no response.

We ran as fast as we could, my heart pounding in my chest, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of cover. As I darted into one of the nearby alleyways, I felt my foot hit a puddle, cold water splashing around me. The rain was coming down harder now, drenching everything in sight, and I could feel the chill seeping into my bones.

We were both panting, our breaths coming in short, sharp gasps as we tried to put as much distance as possible between ourselves and our attackers. But the sound of their voices being so close made me doubt our chances of making it out alive.

Suddenly, I felt my foot slip on the wet pavement, and I stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. My heart leapt into my throat as I struggled to regain my balance, my body tense with fear. But to my surprise, Isabella was quick to react, grabbing my arm and steadying me. We locked eyes for a moment as we shared a moment of understanding.

"Heroin, watch out!" Isabella warned me as the terrorists began shooting.

Both of us took cover behind one of the walls. They were armed with automatic weapons, and their bullets could have easily penetrated the wall we were hiding behind. It was a moment of terror as I realized we couldn't stay there any longer so she began running, leading the way.

"Wait! WAIT!" I shouted over the sounds of bullets and the storm raging above me, but unfortunately, Isabella didn't hear me, and following her was the only option left.

However, as we ran, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The way she moved, the way she seemed to know exactly where we were going... it all seemed too calculated.

The thought of taking the wrong turn and trying to survive on my own crossed my mind.

I slowed down my running as I realized the terrorists were nowhere to be seen, but Isabella continued. She was now way ahead of me, but every part of my body seemed to know something my mind was too blind to see.

And then, as I rounded a corner, I saw her burst through the door of a nearby building, signaling me to come and take cover.

But when I got inside, the darkness of the room enveloped me, and only the sounds of rain reminded me that the moment was real.

"Where are you, Isa?" I whispered, as I slowly stepped forward, my heart racing.

I tried to focus on the details of the room, the faint smell of jasmine reaching my nose, and the eerie shadows cast by lightning outside.

I then heard a faint sound coming from another room, and I knew it was her waiting for me.

But as I opened the door, my suspicions were confirmed.

The room was filled with terrorists, Isabella standing in the middle, her gun pointed at me.

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