In another life, in another world

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As pain overtook my body, my vision began to cloud. But as I gazed up at the sky, a lone seagull caught my eye. It soared effortlessly, as if it had not a care in the world.

I must admit, for a moment, I felt envious of its freedom.

Then suddenly, Soap appeared in my line of sight. He was shouting something, but his words were muffled and indistinct. I tried to focus on him, but my eyes refused to cooperate. I closed them for a moment, hoping that when I opened them again, everything would be okay.

But when I did that, I saw other soldiers carrying me. Their faces were hazy, but their expressions were solemn. I closed my eyes again, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. The pain was still there, but it was dulled now, like a distant echo.

As they carried me away, I couldn't help but think about Simon. I knew he was gone, but I couldn't bring myself to accept it. My mind refused to let go of the memories we had shared.

But as I drifted off, I knew that I would see him again someday, maybe in another life, maybe in another world.


As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized I was lying in a hospital bed. The evening sun shone through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. The beeping of machines filled my ears, and the white ceiling seemed to stretch on forever.

My body ached with pain, and I struggled to move. As I tried to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my chest, and I let out a groan. It was wrapped in bandages, and I felt a dull ache in my side. I looked around the room, trying to get my bearings. Moments of what had happened flooded my mind, and tears filled my eyes.

And then memories of Simon started racing in my head.

I remembered the first time we met, how he had been the one to make me feel safe in a world full of danger. I recalled how he had been my rock, always there for me, always supporting me no matter what.

Tears were streaming down my face as I thought of all the things we had planned to do together, all the adventures we had talked about having.

I knew those dreams were shattered now, gone forever.

"Simon..." I whispered, feeling my heart begin to sink.

"My sweet Simon..."

I had never expected to lose him. We had been together for so long.

And I knew that I would not find someone like him again.

Never again.

"Simon" My cry echoed in the empty room as I hugged myself tight, wishing it was him in my arms.

"Simon!" My voice rose to a desperate scream, my tears streaming as I remembered the life we once had together.

The ache in my chest was unbearable. I wasn't just feeling the pain of my physical wound, but also the emotional pain of grieving the loss of my only love, making it nearly impossible to breathe.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain, but memories didn't leave my mind.

The way he used to hold me close, the sound of his laughter, the feeling of his lips on mine. It all felt like a distant memory now.

I knew I had to stay strong for him. I had to keep living, even though it felt like my heart had been ripped out.

But how could I do that when he was the reason I wanted to live in the first place, I thought to myself.

As I screamed Simon's name, the door burst open and a nurse, followed by a group of doctors, rushed into the room. I could hear their voices, but they were muffled, as if coming from a distance. They tried to calm me down, to tell me that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't hear them.

I felt like I was drowning in my grief, lost in my misery.

I then lashed out, hitting the nurse as if trying to defend myself from the pain.

But then, one of the doctors stepped forward, his eyes full of compassion. He embraced me tightly, and I grabbed onto him, crying on his shoulder as if he were the only thing keeping me from falling apart.

The drugs they gave me made everything hazy and blurry.

And for a moment, it felt like I wasn't alone in my grief.

Like maybe, just maybe, there was someone out there who understood what I was going through.

I clung onto the doctor, the only anchor in my sea of pain and confusion. His words were soothing, but they felt distant and unreal, as if they were being spoken by someone else.

As I slowly calmed down, the doctor gently released me from his embrace, but he didn't leave my side. Instead, he stayed with me, holding my hand and talking to me, giving me comfort and support.

I kept asking him if Simon had survived, but each time he shifted his gaze and avoided giving me an answer.

And just like that, days turned into weeks, and I slowly began to heal, physically but not emotionally.

Other soldiers visited me from time to time, but Soap was the one who kept coming in every day.

He helped me get back on my feet, and supported me through my recovery. He never gave up on me, no matter how much I wanted to give up on myself.

His friendship gave me the strength I needed to finally heal.

But just like the doctor, like everybody else he avoided my questions about Simon.

Late at night I would find myself wondering about him, hoping that maybe he was still alive.

That maybe our story was still not over.

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