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As I was lost in thought, the sudden sound of a champagne cork popping made me jump in my seat. The scent of it filled my nostrils, as I watched the liquid spill over the lip of the bottle and onto the table. Alejandro then proceeded to pour me a glass and handed it to me with a wide smile, telling me to enjoy the evening as he continued to fill the glasses of the other guests. We clinked them, and the golden liquid filled my mouth with a sweet, bubbly sensation.

As I scanned the room, Simon was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't the type of guy who liked parties, and especially getting drunk. Or maybe he just wasn't interested in seeing Isabella.

Taking another sip made me doubt my decision about attending that birthday party. However, after being so consumed by my thoughts for the past few days, I realised it probably was the best distraction from the chaos in my life.

Almost everybody came to congratulate Isabella but I kept my distance and observed everything, not wanting to interact with her. The way she laughed, danced, talked, and breathed got on my nerves and I would probably have left the room if Alejandro hadn't come up to me.

"How are you enjoying this, Hermosa?" I couldn't tell if the big smile he gave me was because he was drunk or just happy to see me.

"Hate the music, it's too loud" I replied not knowing what else I was supposed to say.

"Well, Isabella is the one to blame" Alejandro commented then took another sip.

"Couldn't expect more from her" I muttered, feeling my body heat up. All those loud noises and alcohol made me feel quite aggressive.

"You got beef with her or something?" He jokingly asked.

"She is a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab her to death and play around with her blood" I looked him dead in the eyes and quoted Patrick Bateman.

For a second I noticed him getting concerned but then he burst out laughing accidentally spilling some of the champagne on my white shirt. He then tried to gently wipe the drink off my neck and chest with his hands, but his actions made the situation seem suspicious. 

Way too suspicious I would say.

"No worries, I have more shirts" As I grabbed his hand I tried to end that awkward interaction with him.

I looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed us, and was shocked to see Simon standing in the doorway. His hands were clenched into fists and he stared at Alejandro with a gaze that could kill. His masked face was twisted with anger, and his eyes were full of rage. His body was tense and ready for a fight. 

As he took the first step I felt a knot in my stomach but Isabella appeared just in time. From the way she was moving, I thought she was drunk. However, the way she wrapped her arms around Simon's neck made me feel something.

And it was jealousy.

But Simon's gaze was still fixed on Alejandro who now was completely drunk. With each passing second I was starting to get more and more nervous. I knew what Simon was capable of doing and how obsessed he was with having me.

The music grew louder and the lights brighter. Perhaps due to the effects of drinking but I knew I needed to leave soon. But I couldn't leave Alejandro just like that so I continued to stay by his side.

Isabella was now dancing around Simon, trying to get his attention. She was flirting with him and I could tell that he was starting to get uncomfortable.

"What a slut" I thought to myself.

I didn't know why she did what she did, but she grabbed him by his arm and started dragging him toward us. I immediately shifted my gaze to Alejandro, who was now peacefully sleeping. It felt like my whole body froze and I couldn't move.

"Awh, look who is down there" Although she pointed and mocked Alejandro, neither Simon nor I reacted in the way she had intended.

"Anyways, I hope we didn't interrupt you two, our secret lovebirds" She chuckled, clearly too drunk to even understand what she was saying.

Or was she really drunk?

My expression changed as I finally realised what she was doing. I raised my eyebrow, surprised at how much she was trying to annoy me.

"Hmm?" Simon looked at Isabella and waited for a deeper explanation.

"Oh, yeah you don't know! While you were away a lot happened here. Y/N and Alejandro are quite close now, if ya know what I mean" She looked seductively at him and wrapped her hands around his arm.

Despite being shrugged off, she once again wrapped her arms around him like a snake.

I was honestly too stunned to speak. I didn't really care about her lying so much since I knew Simon trusted me too much to believe some bullshit she had said. But that bitch even used my real name.

I stared at her in shock and disbelief as I slowly opened my mouth. And I noticed the smile she gave me was not real. That bitch knew what she was doing.

Though I didn't say anything, since she didn't know that Simon and I were together. But if only I had know at that moment that she knew the truth.

"Okay, well if you don't mind, I will go get some fresh air" I finally responded feeling my whole body start to burn from the rage I felt.

"Of course, I don't mind. Let's go say hello to other guests, shall we?" She squeezed his arm and pressed her head against it.

Even though I was annoyed as fuck, I gave him a slight smirk knowing damn well she wouldn't let him go any time soon.

I then once again checked how Alejandro was doing and left the party, scared but also wanting to find out what Simon was going to do. 

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