Followed by the shadows

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Simon and I squeezed into the backseat of the car, the space between us was almost non-existent. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist as I leaned back against his chest, feeling his warmth against mine.

As we drove down the winding road towards the town, I couldn't help but notice how the wind was blowing through the open car window. Soap was holding the puppy in his lap, and its ears were flapping in the wind while it looked out the window with its tongue sticking out. 

I couldn't help but admire the moment.

Deep in my soul it was something I always wished to experience.

Just a simple moment of peace, surrounded by my best friends and the man I deeply loved.

While the car moved along the bumpy road, Simon's grip on me tightened, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered sweet nothings. I felt shivers run down my spine at the touch of his lips and the sound of his voice.

I felt my cheeks flush as I faced him, looking into his eyes. His gaze was intense and his lips were so close that I actually had to resist the urge to kiss him in front of everyone.

And I didn't even notice that the road was now completely dark, but the distant lights of the town ahead glowed like beacons, beckoning us forward.

As we entered the town, the streetlights cast a warm glow on everything, and I couldn't help but look around in wonder. The buildings, the people walking by, the sounds of music and laughter from the bars and cafes we passed - it all seemed so alive and full of energy.

I leaned my head against Simon's chest, feeling his steady heartbeat, and gazed out of the window. The cool night air blew through my hair, and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling completely at peace.

As we drove deeper into the town, the sights and sounds became more intense, but somehow, it all felt comfortable and familiar.

I knew that this moment, this feeling of being carefree and happy, was fleeting, but in that moment, it was all that mattered.

Price then parked the car and all of us went into the local bar, the smell of alcohol and food filling the air. Inside, it was cozy and packed with locals. We then found a table in the corner, and Soap sat the puppy down beside us.

Simon's hand never left my waist, and I could feel his thumb tracing small circles on my hip.

Alejandro and Price then went to the bar to order some food and drinks, while Gaz and Soap stayed with us.

In a meantime, his arms remained wrapped around me, holding me close to him as we talked and laughed with the others. Simon's grip was tight, almost as if he was scared to let me go. I leaned into him, feeling his warmth and strength, and couldn't help but feel fortunate for having him by my side.

As the food arrived, we all started chatting and laughing, sharing stories from our past missions. We reminisced about the good times and the tough times, and how we had overcome them together.

In a way, it felt like they were my new family.

The family I always deserved to have.

Shortly after, Price raised his glass and proposed a toast to our team, and we all cheered. The mood was now relaxed and joyful, and I felt grateful for having such amazing people in my life.

Minute after minute, glass after glass I took one more sip and felt my head slowly becoming heavy. The noise of the bar was starting to get to me, and I needed a moment for myself.

"Excuse me, guys" I said, standing up from the table.

"I need to use the restroom"

As I walked away, I heard Simon's voice behind me "You okay, Y/N?"

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