Abandoned to your fate

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"Y/N! Get downstairs!"

"Shit" I murmured to myself as I closed the book, feeling fear slowly but surely starting to poison my blood.


Scared and trembling, I slowly walked down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest. I had no idea what was waiting for me at the bottom, but I knew it couldn't be good.

As I entered the living room, I saw my brother Sebastian sitting on the couch, my father Jacob standing beside him.

"Would you care to explain where my money is?" My father's voice was loud and filled with frustration.

"I didn't take it, I swear, it was her!" Sebastian quickly voiced his excuses, blaming me for something I would never dare to do.

"He is lying!" I responded, knowing my father wouldn't believe me.

"She is hiding the money under her pillows. I saw her do that!" He looked at Jacob, without a single hint of shame.

Indeed, the money was there, but those were my savings. The money I thought I would use to finally escape my family. But now that my father was rushing up the stairs, my dreams of getting the freedom I always deserved were crushed.

"Why would you do this, Seb?" My vision was blurry from all the tears forming in my eyes, my voice cracked as I asked him.

But he didn't answer me, he just kept staring at me with his eyes without remorse.

My father's swearing could be heard, his heavy steps echoing through the house. Jacob then returned to the living room, his hands firmly holding my money. I could smell alcohol from his mouth as he came closer, raising his hand to hit me.

But I was too scared to move, too fragile, too weak.

I shut my eyes, bracing myself for the impact, but it never came.


"Can't you do anything right? God, why can't you be like your brother?" My mother complained, messy hair covering her face.

"I'm sorry, mum, this won't happen again" My voice was low as I was on all fours, trying to clean up the mess I had made.

"You are nothing but a burden, I can't believe I gave birth to such an ungrateful daughter"

Seconds later, she kicked me with her foot into my ribs, leaving me curled up in pain on the floor. I glanced up at her with tears in my eyes, my heart breaking into a million pieces.

"I'm so sorry, mum. I'm so sorry" I was crumpled on the floor, my heart aching and my soul feeling empty.

"You are always sorry, but you never change" She spat on me, humiliating me in every way possible.

"The things I would do to turn you into a stranger" She whispered, her words like a sharp knife that cut through me.


There were nights when my father would come home drunk and angry, nights when he would take his frustrations out on me, beating me until I was bruised and broken.

Days when I wished he would forget I existed, so he wouldn't hurt me anymore. 

Days that never came true.

"You little piece of shit. You think disobeying your mother is acceptable?" As my father shouted at me, I imagined myself living with a different family.

A family that would love me unconditionally and without judgement. I wanted to feel safe and accepted.

I wanted to be loved.

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