At peace

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[a/n] Y'all, I am sorry 😀

I also recommend listening to "The night we met" but the instrumental version. 



The helicopter blades whirred loudly as we flew towards the enemy location. The tension inside was palpable and I tried to keep my focus on the mission, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Simon and our fight.

I stole a glance at Simon, who was sitting across from me. I could see the pain in his eyes as he avoided my gaze and while I wanted to reach out to him, I knew it wasn't the right decision to make.

Minutes later the helicopter began to descend and as we approached the landing zone, I could see the dark outline of the terrain below us. The night was pitch black, and the only source of light was the small red glow from our night vision goggles.

As the helicopter touched the ground, the rotor blades slowed down, and the noise died away. We all stepped out into the night, and the cold wind hit us like a wall. We were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by darkness and silence.

And just when I was about to approach Soap, Simon walked over to me.

"Can we talk, Y/N?" For the first time I heard a voice that was so desperate.

"Not now" I replied quickly.

"Please, Y/N"

"Ghost, I would appreciate if you let me focus on the mission" I found the courage to look him in the eyes but the moment I saw his expression darken, I regretted calling him like that.

I then quickly turned away and started walking to catch up with Soap who was my partner on this mission.

"Hey. You're alright?" Soap asked, shifting his gaze from Simon to me.

"Yeah..." I whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"Did you guys get a chance to talk before the mission?" 


"Don't you think it would be better if..."

"Soap, I know what I am doing" My voice pierced through the air and I immediately felt ashamed of myself for acting that way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Don't apologise. I would feel the same way if Simon decided to break up with me" He joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"You what?" I chuckled.

Soap didn't answer me but gave me a smile that explained everything.


Soap and I stealthily moved through the town's narrow alleyways, keeping our eyes peeled for any enemy activity. He led the way, checking each corner and doorway as we moved and I kept my senses heightened, alert for any sound.

We kept our movements quiet and deliberate, until I heard a noise coming from the end of the alley. I grabbed Soap's arm and motioned for us to stop. We crouched low, waiting for whatever was coming our way.

Then, as we waited in the darkness, a crackling sound emanated from my walkie-talkie.

"Get out of there now, it's a trap!" Simon's voice came through.

Before we could react, a massive explosion erupted from the direction we were heading, shaking the ground beneath us. The force of the blast sent us tumbling to the ground, our ears ringing from the deafening sound.

As I fell to the ground, my head hit the pavement hard, and I felt a sharp pain shoot through my skull. I put my hand on my head and felt a warm liquid trickling down my fingers.

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