Trapped in the darkness

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Minute after minute, hour after hour, time slowly but surely ticked away. Every second felt like an eternity, and the fear of the unknown was growing with each passing moment.

The second time I came to consciousness, I was lost and confused, but as soon as I felt my hands being sore from being bound together, I felt terror and panic begin to set in.

The rough rope was digging into my skin and the pain intensified with every breath I took. I could feel water and the warmth of blood trickling down the back of my neck, being so helpless and trapped.

I was alone in that room, tied to that chair, with no way out. The darkness of the room matched the darkness of my thoughts and all I could do was wait and hope that Simon would find me before it was too late.

But no matter how long I waited, no one came. Day after day I spent every second blaming myself for being so naive.

It was my fault. 

I knew I should have known better. 

I should have been more vigilant.

The more I waited, the more I started to wonder if I would ever be found, if I would be held in that small, dark room forever. Fear, desperation, and hope were battling for dominance in my mind and the never ending fight between them was slowly driving me insane.

I tried to recall every word she had said, connect all the dots. Consumed by it, I was starting to lose hope. I couldn't even imagine what kind of pain Simon had to experience as I was taken away from him, trapped in the darkness. I felt my heart breaking as I knew I couldn't do anything to help him.

With my optimism and confidence rapidly diminishing with each passing moment, I was starting to think that was the end, that my fate had been sealed, and that I would never be able to escape this bleak situation.

But it wasn't until the fourth day when the same guy came into my room.

He turned on the light and as the man approached, I braced myself for another round of torture or interrogation. But instead, to my surprise, he began to untie the rope that bound my hands together.

As his rough, calloused fingers worked at the knots, I couldn't help but flinch at each movement. My hands had grown so sore from being tied up for so long that any touch, even if it was meant to be kind, was almost unbearable.

But as the last knot came undone, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me. I flexed my fingers, feeling the aching begin to subside, and looked up at the man with a mix of confusion and gratitude.

For a moment, our eyes met, and I saw a glimmer of something in his gaze that I couldn't quite place. 

Was it pity? Regret? Or perhaps something else entirely?

But back then I was too weak to even think about his true intentions.

Another man then entered the room, bringing some food and water, making it clear to me that they wanted me alive. And as they left the room I felt my stomach grumbling with hunger, and my throat felt like it was on fire from thirst.

With shaking hands, I reached for that glass of water and brought it to my lips. The cool liquid was like a balm to my parched throat, and I drank greedily, feeling the water wash over my tongue and down my throat.

Next, I picked up the tray of food, examining its contents with a mix of curiosity and desperation. There was a piece of bread, some cheese, and a small apple.

As I took my first bite of the bread, tears formed in my eyes. It had been so long since I had eaten anything, and the bread tasted like heaven. I savored each bite, feeling the warmth filling my stomach and restoring my energy.

And even though I was supposed to enjoy that short moment of finally being set free in that cage, I couldn't help but think about Simon. The mere thought of him not being able to live in peace brought me a wave of sadness.

But maybe it was best for me not to know what was happening inside his head. How heartbroken he was when he and the team finally tracked down the car only to find no sign of me.

He put his heart and soul into the search for me, working tirelessly, tracking down every lead, and following every clue.

When they found the car, Simon's heart was pounding in his chest with a mix of fear and hope. But when they realized that I wasn't there, his worst nightmares became reality.

For four long days, he was living in agony of not knowing where I was. And after days and even weeks of constantly searching for me, Simon was not able to find any clues.

He was devastated and heartbroken, feeling like he had failed me. Simon couldn't sleep at night, haunted by the thought of me being out there somewhere alone and scared or even no longer alive.

He spent all his time in my room, surrounded by my belongings. He would pick up my clothes and smell them, hoping to catch a whiff of my scent, to feel closer to me in some way.

He couldn't rest.

He couldn't eat. 

He couldn't think of anything else.

Everyone started worrying about him. They could see the effect the search had on him. Some of the team members, including Isabella, tried to encourage him to take a break, and to take care of himself, but he was too consumed by his love for me and his need to find me.

Despite his exhaustion and despair, Simon refused to give up on me. He knew that he had to keep looking for me, to keep searching for any hints, no matter how small. He was determined to find me, to bring me back home.

But no matter how much he wished for it to happen, his prayers weren't answered. He felt like he was walking in circles, feeling like there was something missing from that story. Every day for hours and hours he would interrogate Isabella, asking her the same questions. No matter how hard he tried, he didn't get the answers he wished for.

In a way, it was like reading the same book, every time hoping for a different ending.

But that was until they received a USB containing a video of me being held captive and tortured as a hostage.

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