Goodbye, my heroin

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Soap gritted his teeth as he ran towards the extraction point, his hand throbbing with pain. He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to escape the chaos behind him. Explosions and gunfire echoed through the streets, and the air was thick with the sound of people screaming.

As he finally drew closer, he could see Simon waiting there, looking lost and confused.

But when Soap reached him, he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. His shoulders slumped, and his gaze fell to the ground.

"Where's Y/N?" Simon whispered, his voice breaking.

Soap shook his head slightly and his heart sank as he reached into his pocket to pull out my dog tag and bracelet.

Simon's face went pale as he realized what had happened to me.

To his only love, his only heroin.

He looked down at the items in his hands, small tears streaming down his masked face.

"I'm so sorry, Simon" Soap whispered, still unable to comprehend my death.

"What happened? What happened to her?" He stared intensely at Soap, desperate for an answer.

"Four bullets hit her. I did everything I could, was too late"

"But she asked me to tell you it wasn't your fault. That she regretted leaving you behind and letting her dreams get in your way. She said she always loved you, that she would always love you, and that she would always be by your side...that she would find her way back to you" Soap struggled to speak as he replayed the final goodbye.

Simon couldn't believe I was really gone, that he would never see me again. He wanted to stay there, in that spot, but he knew he had to leave. The helicopter had landed, and the team had to go.

He slowly walked towards the helicopter, his movements sluggish and heavy. He climbed on board and sat down, his head in his hands as he didn't want anyone to see him cry.

He didn't want anyone to know how broken he was.

As the helicopter took off and flew back, Simon replayed all the memories he had with me. He remembered the day we met, the way I smiled at him, and how he knew right then and there that I was the one for him.

In a way, Simon felt like he had lost a part of his body, a part of his soul.

As he sat in silence, he couldn't shake the feeling of regret that hung over him like a dark cloud. Regret for all the things he had said to me in anger, for the fight we had that final day.

Simon wished he could take it all back, wished he had told me how much he loved me one last time.

Tears streamed down his face as he thought about all the things he wanted to say to me. He had regrets over not being able to apologize, not being able to tell me how sorry he was for everything.

But it was too late now, and the weight of that realization was crushing.

It felt like a nightmare, something he could wake up from. But deep down, he knew it was real. And the reality of spending the rest of his life without me was unbearable.

Simon tried to hide his tears from the other soldiers, not wanting to show any weakness. But inside, he felt like he was falling apart. The sound of the helicopter's blades spinning drowned out his silent sobs as he held onto my dog tag and bracelet, the only things he had left of me.


The helicopter landed with a thud, and Simon slowly made his way off the aircraft, his heart heavy with grief. As he stepped out, he was greeted by the familiar faces of Price and Gaz, both looking relieved to see him back in one piece.

"Welcome back, soldier" Price said, patting Simon on the back.

"How did it go out there?"

Simon's lips quivered as he fought to keep his composure. He wanted to scream, to tell them everything that had happened, but he knew he couldn't.

He couldn't bear to utter the words that would make it real.

Gaz's eyes searched Simon's face, and his smile faded as he noticed the pain etched into his features.

"Where's Heroin?" He asked, his voice quiet and hesitant.

Simon couldn't bring himself to answer, and instead, he looked away, his heart breaking all over again. He felt like a failure, unable to protect the woman he loved, unable to keep his promises.

"She didn't make it" Soap said solemnly, appearing behind Simon.

At that moment, Price felt his heart break into million pieces. I was like a daughter to him, a daughter he never had.

He remembered the day I joined our unit, young and eager, with a fire in my eyes that impressed him. Over the years, he watched me become a skilled soldier and a loyal friend.

But now, he felt a profound sense of loss, as if a part of him had been ripped away. He had seen too many good soldiers die, but I was different. I had a spark of life that was infectious, a spirit that couldn't be contained.

And now, it was gone.

Price took a deep breath, trying to hold back his emotions. He looked at Simon, who was still staring at the ground, his shoulders shaking.

"I'm so sorry, Simon" Price said, trying to mask his pain with a stern tone.

Simon then walked away from the group, his steps heavy with grief and anger. As he passed Price and Gaz, he brushed past them with a hard shoulder, not even acknowledging their presence. His eyes were fixed on the ground, and his fists were clenched at his sides.

He made his way to my room, slamming the door shut behind him. He stumbled over to the side of the bed and collapsed onto the ground, his sobs echoing through the room as he buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking with every breath.

As Simon cried, his tears fell onto the small metal dog tag and the bracelet he held in his hands.

He just couldn't accept the fact that I was really gone.

He then reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a small, worn photograph of us together. He looked at it for a long time, the memories flooding his mind. The ache in his heart was unbearable as he clutched onto the items in his hands as if holding onto them would bring me back to him.

But he knew it was too late.

"Goodbye, my Y/N..." He whispered as he closed his eyes. 

"Goodbye, my heroin..."

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