Longing for a miracle

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Every day, I would walk into Simon's room and sit beside his bed, holding his hand and talking to him as if he could hear me. I would tell him about my day, the news, and anything that came to my mind. Even though he was in a coma and couldn't respond, I hoped that somehow my words could reach him and bring him comfort.

I must admit, it was heartbreaking to see Simon lying there, motionless and unresponsive. I couldn't help but feel a constant sense of dread that he might never wake up.

The thought of losing him was unbearable, and I would have done anything to save him.

I tried to stay strong for him, but there were times when I couldn't hold back my tears. I would cry silently by his bedside, hoping that my tears would somehow reach him and let him know how much I cared.

Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. As time passed, I could feel the warmth of the sun growing stronger. Through the window, I watched as the world outside slowly transformed. The trees were now adorned with lush green leaves, and the flowers bloomed in a riot of colors. The birds sang their cheerful songs, filling the air with the sound of new life.

I would bring in fresh flowers and place them on the windowsill, hoping to bring a bit of the outdoors inside for Simon to enjoy.

But despite the beauty outside, Simon's condition remained unchanged.


It was a sunny Saturday evening. The sun was slowly setting, painting the sky with a beautiful orange and pink hue. The air was warm and pleasant, with a gentle breeze that carried the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers.

After my walk, I went into Simon's room, every second hoping for a miracle to happen.

When I entered it, I looked around the room, feeling a deep sadness weighting my heart. He was lying still as a statue, his skin pale and the atmosphere of the room was heavy as never before.

I filled up a glass of water and watered the plants. I fully opened the window, letting the warm breeze touch my body. The curtains danced gently, swaying back and forth with the rhythm of the wind.

I carefully sat down on the edge of the bed, taking care not to disturb any of the medical equipment surrounding Simon. Slowly, I shifted my weight to lie down beside him, making sure not to put any pressure on his body.

As I settled in beside him, I gently lifted his hand and placed it on his chest, intertwining my fingers with his. The warmth of his hand was a comfort to me as I held it tightly, my thumb gently stroking the back of his hand.

I propped my head up with my free hand as I gazed at him, studying every feature of his masked face, hoping to see some sign of life. But he remained motionless, his chest barely rising and falling with each breath. The room was silent, except for the sound of our breathing and the occasional rustle of the curtains in the breeze.

"You know, Simon, after you wake up we will take a really long break. I still haven't decided where I would love to spend it, but I have been thinking about the countryside. Imagine waking up every morning just to feel the sunlight touch your skin or breathe in the fresh air"

"We could go for long walks, and enjoy the silence of nature. I am not a good cook, but I promise the tea I will make for you will be the best you've ever had. What do you think, Simon? I know, I know, you are probably making fun of me but you have to admit, you would enjoy it" I let out a small chuckle.

"We could make breakfast together, we could even make a picnic one day and watch the sunset. I want to make memories with you, Simon. Beautiful memories that we will cherish forever" I looked at his still face.

"I miss you so much, Simon. I miss our talks and the way you would make me laugh" I said, my voice cracking.

"I need you to wake up, Simon. I need you to come back to me..."

"Please, come back to me..." I whispered, my eyes filling with tears.

I placed my head on his chest, listening to the faint beat of his heart. I closed my eyes, wishing and praying for him to open his. I stayed there for a few minutes, holding on to the hope that he would wake up.

I then leaned in and kissed his forehead. I whispered to him that I would always be here for him and that I loved him, no matter what. I stepped away, feeling my heart heavy, and watched him with a sad but hopeful smile.

I turned to leave the room, feeling the usual darkness in my heart. But as I reached the door, I heard a faint rustling sound behind me. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned around to see if I was mistaken.

At first, everything was silent again, and I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. But then, I heard it again - a soft rustling sound, like the movement of blankets.

Slowly, I made my way back to the bed, my eyes fixed on Simon's still form. And then, to my amazement, I saw his blanket move again. It was a small movement, barely noticeable, but it was there.

I took a step closer, my heart pounding in my chest. I watched for several seconds, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

And then, in a moment I knew I would never forget, Simon opened his eyes.

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