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"What in bloody hell do you want?" Simon looked at him, unsure how this man knew me.

"I bet Y/N is still a bitch" It was difficult to understand what he was saying.

"Watch your mouth" Simon raised his voice, pretty sure he wanted to get into a fight. Show him who was in charge here.

"That bitch will suck the whole happiness out of you, I'm telling you, big guy. Sneaky piece of shit she is" His movements became more and more unsteady.

"Simon, let's ignore him and just leave this place" I really wasn't in the mood to see my love, Simon, start a fight.

"Hope you are using that slut as much as I did! Good old days, good old da.." He didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying because Simon couldn't hold himself anymore.

And those words probably hurt him more than they hurt me. I was used to hearing them.

He beat him up, but I didn't stop him from doing that. Blood appeared on the ground. Some guys, probably his friends, surrounded me from behind. 

Did they plan it or not?

Simon wanted to get his revenge on Isaac so he didn't even notice what was happening around him. And so a moment later, I was also in a fight with four guys. They circled me, each of them being hungry for blood to be shed. Suddenly one of them charged forward, thinking I was just some hopeless girl who was too scared to defend herself. But I managed to block his punch, knee to his stomach. It felt so right to make a man like him gasp for air. Without any remorse I took a chance to finish it with a strike to his neck. He collapsed on the ground, making the other guys doubt their strength.

When Simon finally got what he wanted, he stood up and got a better understanding of the situation. I knew if he had the chance, he would have killed anyone who touched me. But just because everything was happening in the middle of the street, he didn't want to put us in any trouble. Simon then gave me a look full of pride and encouragement to continue beating them up.

Now there were 5 of us. Even though I knew it wouldn't be a problem to take care of them, it would have been too easy to think like that, right?

The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the air, luckily not drawing any attention. But then the unexpected happened. I saw the glint of steel in my opponent's hand. He swung the knife widely but I was fast enough to dodge. I wanted to warn Simon but it felt like I had lost my voice. I didn't know what was stopping me but it was a desperate fight for survival. So I continued to dodge, hoping for the guy to lose his strength until he gave up. But the odds were stacked against me this time.

The guy who I punched before and who fell on the ground remained conscious and got behind me. Grabbing me by my hands, my eyes widened as I saw the guy with the knife lunge forward. My heart raced as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. The knife sank into the flesh. I felt him twist the blade for more damage. The smile on his face gave me chills. I couldn't understand what his friends had against me.

The pain was immense but I didn't want to let them know it. The guys then ran away, leaving me standing alone. Simon had to fight two guys so he didn't notice what was happening behind him, so it wasn't his fault I got hurt. 

It felt like the world had stopped. Dizziness washed over my body. It was overwhelming, and my strength and will were draining away. I acted as if nothing had happened and with a sudden move, I took his knife out and held it in my hand.

Simon turned around as the other guys lay unconscious on the ground, only to see terror overtake my body. I felt blood flowing from my wound, but Simon was quick enough to catch me.

"It's gonna be alright, you're gonna be alright, just stay with me, Y/N" Simon knelt beside me, stroked my hair and cheeks as he tried to comfort me.

"I'm sorry" He said, his voice choked with emotion.

"It's okay, Simon" I whispered feeling random people surrounding us, the distant sounds of the ambulance coming.

He held my hand, not for a second leaving my side. But I could feel my consciousness fading away. My eyelids felt heavy like never before, and my body grew weaker.

"Please don't leave me" During these moments I couldn't forgive myself for making Simon feel the panic of losing me.

I heard his sweet voice, but it seemed so distant. I finally closed my eyes as I felt a sense of calmness spread through my body.


The flickering lights. The storm was outside. I opened my eyes and saw the same white ceiling of my hospital room.

Was it a dream? 

I thought to myself.  

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