The moment of truth

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After being lost in the unknown for several weeks, Simon couldn't stop searching for me. He refused to give up, despite being told it was impossible to find me. Simon did everything he could, even risking his life by returning to the same town to search for hidden clues.

But he found nothing except darkness and despair.


Simon woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my room. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms, feeling the warmth of the sun shining through the curtains.

Simon sighed and took a deep breath, knowing that this day would be the same as every other day without me. He slowly got out of bed and looked out the window. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and the sun was shining brightly. Despite the beauty of that moment, Simon's heart ached knowing I wasn't there with him.

He quickly dressed in his military uniform and stepped outside. Fresh morning air filled his lungs as he surveyed the training field.

He jogged around the perimeter of the field, feeling sweat trickle down his forehead. Simon stopped to do some stretches, feeling his muscles loosen up under the warm rays of the sun.

Despite the fact that he looked focused on his training, his mind began to race with dozens of ideas of how he could find me. Simon once again made changes to his plan as he knew he had to act fast.

He knew time was running out.

And several hours later, when he got ready to leave the base, he was stopped by Price. The moment Simon noticed him coming his way, he knew the news would either be bad or good.

A small part of Simon was hoping he had something valuable to say. But Price's stern expression quickly put out the spark of hope.

After Simon was told about an unexpected surprise from the terrorists, he felt his heart sink. In a way he was relieved that I was still alive, but the other part of him was too scared to see me being tortured.


I was peacefully resting as I sat on the ground, my back pressed against the cold concrete wall, in the same small room that felt like a dungeon. The only source of light came from the single lamp that hung above me, casting a dim and eerie glow on everything around me. The silence was deafening, except for the sound of my own breathing.

But suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the door. My heart started beating fast, and my mind raced through different scenarios.

Who could it be?

Were they here to rescue me, or were my captors returning?

Moments later, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. The metallic sound of the key turning in the lock made me flinch. Then, with a sudden burst of force, the door was kicked open, and two men burst into the room.

They grabbed me roughly, yanking me up from the ground and pulling me towards the only chair in the room. My heart was pounding, and my breath was coming out in short gasps. The men forced me into the chair and tied my hands behind my back even tighter than before.

I could feel the rough fibers of the rope once again cutting into my skin, and the pain was almost unbearable. The men said nothing as they left the room, slamming the door behind them. The sudden sound of it shutting echoed through the room, leaving me alone.

I sat there, feeling the cold sweat on my forehead, trying to catch my breath. My mind was racing with different thoughts and questions as I knew something bad would happen soon.

And I wasn't wrong.

A few moments later the door opened again, and Isabella entered the room together with the same two guys. Her presence made my heart sink, and my stomach clenched in fear.

She had been my ally, but now I had her as my greatest enemy.

As she walked towards me, her eyes bore into me like daggers. Her gaze was cold and unfeeling, filled with a hatred that I had never seen before. It was like she had been waiting for this moment, relishing the opportunity to see me suffer.

I could feel her eyes scanning me, looking for any sign of weakness or vulnerability. It was like she was trying to break me with her stare alone. Her lips twisted into a cruel smile, and I knew that she was enjoying my misery.

And it wasn't long before Isabella's venomous words reached my ears.

"How is his little sweetheart doing?" Her smile was twisted and evil, like a predator that had caught its prey.

Though I wanted to send her to hell, I kept my mouth shut, eager to know what she wanted from me.

"You know, I have been thinking" Her lips were curled up at the corners, revealing a row of perfectly white teeth that seemed to glint in the dim light of the room.

"I think you deserve an explanation" Isabella's eyes were sharp and focused.

"Bring me a chair" Her voice was low and commanding, as she barked out orders to her men.

As she spoke, her eyes remained fixed on me. Her men quickly sprang into action, scrambling to find a chair to bring. Isabella stood tall and unyielding, her arms folded across her chest as she waited for them to return. When they finally brought the chair to her, she snatched it from their hands and placed it directly in front of me. Then her men left, leaving me alone with a beast in a cage.

I could feel my heart rate quicken and my palms start to sweat. I knew that whatever she was about to say, it would change everything.

"Funny how my true intentions had nothing to do with you. Yes, we knew about you from the beginning but you never seemed to be dangerous. That is why our plan was to capture Simon, torture and get rid of him. That man seemed to cause too many problems. And so I managed to get into Task 1-4-1, hoping to take care of him. But then, out of nowhere, this bitch named Y/N appeared and ruined my plan. Though I have to admit, you guys were pretty good at hiding your relationship, not until I saw you reunite with him after he came back" She started explaining, her voice low and dangerous.

"You might be wondering if I ever had feelings for him. No, absolutely not. But I thought winning his heart and his trust might help me to betray him later. However, the truth is, the more time I spent spying on you, the more I learnt the main threat might have actually been you. You were the dangerous one, the one I couldn't fully understand. And just like that, you sparked a new idea - I thought, what else could make Simon suffer more than for him to see you getting tortured, or even murdered? And of course in a way I would make both of you go through pain" Her eyes shone with a glint of triumph, as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Now that you are here, I can do whatever I want. I can get all the information that we need. I can keep you here for as long as I wish, but most importantly, I have this new dog I can play with - your beloved Simon. Don't you think it would be funny to use him, to get him to do whatever I want him to do? I just can't believe how well all of this turned out. Seeing him go crazy all over you, crushing his dreams - all of this made me secretly swim in joy. And it's a shame you didn't get the chance to see him as he opened the door of that vehicle, only to find your tracking device but not you" Isabella leaned in closer, her elbows resting on her knees as she studied me with a sharp gaze.

"God, Simon truly loves you. It almost makes me feel jealous. So much envy that I can't control. Because you would never know how it feels like to be me, the one who is always left behind. Like a princess you can get whatever you want. Simon do this, Simon do that" For the first time she shifted her gaze, now looking directly into the nothingness.

"But I'm still here, waiting for something that will never come. I'm so tired of wishing, yet I can't help but do it. But I know that no matter how much I wait, nothing will change"

Having heard her long monologue, I couldn't find any words to express my shock. I would have never imagined all of that was rooted so deeply. Her plan was to kill Simon using me and now it made sense why she needed me so much.

Isabella was right, I was just a pawn in that game.

But one question didn't leave my mind - what would she do with me, now that I knew everything about her?

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