Beyond your reach

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Simon and I decided to take a stroll along the beach near our cottage house. The weather was warm, with a light breeze blowing in from the ocean. The sand was soft and warm under our feet as we made our way down to the water.

We walked along the shore, admiring the beauty of the ocean. The waves crashed against the sand, creating a soothing rhythm that was almost hypnotic. Seagulls cried overhead, circling around us as if they were curious about our presence.

As we walked, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the sky. The colors were breathtaking, with shades of pink, orange, and purple blending together in a beautiful tapestry. We found a spot on the sand and sat down, Simon wrapping his arm around my waist and me resting my head on his shoulder.

We sat there, watching the sunset in silence, lost in our own thoughts. The breeze blew gently across our faces, bringing the salty smell of the ocean to our noses. It was a peaceful moment, a moment where time seemed to stand still.

And so we both buried that memory deep in our hearts.

After sitting on the sand for a while, I felt a sudden urge to lie down and soak in the sun's warmth. I let go of Simon's arm and lay down on my back and as I looked up at the sky, the sunset colors were still visible, but the sky was now turning to deep blue.

And no matter how hard I tried to ignore my thoughts, I kept thinking about the day Isabella shot me. I wondered what kind of person she truly was.

A person with a cruel past or a dark future?

I knew my thoughts about Isabella weren't worth it, yet there was a part of me that resisted letting her go. I felt a strange connection to her, almost like I could relate to her struggles.

My heart ached knowing that I would never find out what happened to her in the past and what could have happened if she had chosen the right path in her life.

Was she worth my forgiveness?

Was she someone who could have changed?

Was she a victim of circumstance, or was it simply her own choices that led her down the path she took?

It was a harsh truth, but one I had to accept. Isabella was who she was, and while she could have made small changes, she would have never truly changed her core.

And perhaps that was okay, perhaps it was just a part of being human.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through the grains of sand. I felt the tiny particles trickle through my fingers as if they were alive and had their own rhythm. I was in complete awe of the feeling of the sand as it hugged my body.

The sound of the ocean filled my ears, and the seagulls quieted down.

Suddenly, I heard Simon lying down next to me. I turned my head to face him and saw that he was also looking up at the sky.

"You know, when I was younger, I held high hopes for the world and all it had to offer. But as it slipped through my fingers, I often found solace in closing my eyes and imagining a paradise I could never reach " I turned to Simon once again, my gaze heavy with sadness as I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

"I would close my eyes and dream of this" I gave him a slight smile, grateful for his presence and the comfort it brought me.

Then a sudden sound caught my attention. It was the cry of a seagull, piercing through peaceful ocean sounds.

I shifted my gaze to the sky, my eyes following the bird as it soared above us. It was a beautiful sight, the seagull's wings spread wide as it glided effortlessly through the air.

"I would stare up at the sky and watch birds fly, imagining I was one of them. I wanted to feel what it would be like to be free, to feel the wind beneath, to be above it all, and be untouchable"

"Oh, to be that seagull" I said softly.

I couldn't help but envy it as it soared above us, free and unencumbered. A kind of freedom that I yearned for, a life unburdened by the weight of the past.

As I watched the bird disappear into the horizon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. It was as if I too wanted to spread my wings and fly away from all my troubles, to leave everything behind and start anew.

But deep down, I knew that wasn't possible. 

The past would always be a part of me, shaping my present and my future.

And as we finally stood up, I couldn't help but notice the weather change. The warm breeze had turned into a chilly wind, and the sky had shifted from bright oranges and pinks to deep shades of blue.

The sun had now fully set and we walked back toward our cozy cottage with Simon's arm wrapped around my shoulder, keeping me warm in the cold breeze.

But as we were about to step inside, I felt a sudden urge to turn back and look at the beach one last time. My eyes scanned the deserted shore, searching for the seagull that had caught my attention earlier.

And then I saw it. The seagull was still there, but it seemed to be slowly disappearing into the darkness. It was almost as if it was fading away into the night, leaving nothing behind but the memory of its cry and the fleeting moment of its presence.

And so I watched the seagull with a bittersweet mixture of longing and acceptance.

Saying goodbye to the life beyond my reach. 

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