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HELLO EVERYONE JUST wanted to pop on in and tell you all that I have decided to revamp and re-write Human. I wrote this story in high school when I didn't know anything and I really didn't know where I wanted to take Ellie. As I've gotten older I've come to see that I don't like how I wrote most of my characters in here. Not only that but my writing style has changed a lot since I've completed this story. I want a chance to show that style of writing with Ellie and Carlisle. Now this story will stay up because I've received so many accomplishments with it and just couldn't bring myself to myself to take it down and delete it. So it'll stay up.

          PLEASE NOTE THAT a lot plot points will be different in the revamp/rewrite than they are written in this book. A lot of the new writing will focus on building the relationship between Ellie and Carlisle. It will still be a fast burn relationship and it'll switch from third person pov to first person pov. I decided to do this simply because I've started to write in first person again and I enjoy it, not to mention I feel as though it would be better suited for first person pov. I'll most likely be diving more into her background and the things she does with Carlisle. Please expect all acts to be entirely different from what was originally posted in this book.

          FEEL FREE TO still read this version of Human. Please note that it is highly recommended to instead read the new version of Human instead of this one. I hope to that you do read the revamp/rewrite. Thank you!

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❝ HUMAN ❞ ── Carlisle Cullen ✓Where stories live. Discover now