chapter sixty-five ▬▬▬ crimson red

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      ━━━━━ A WEEK HAD passed, Bella would be delivering her baby any day now

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━━━━━ A WEEK HAD passed, Bella would be delivering her baby any day now. The brunette had been informed of her adoptive sister's demise. She had met her niece, she definitely resembled Ellie but Bella and the rest could see some of Carlisle's features.

Carlisle had been multitasking since the birth of his child. He felt guilty over the way he had treated Ellie weeks ago and he wished that he could go back and change the way he had treated her.

Edward was worried for Ellie, he couldn't hear her thoughts, which he thought was strange. Carlisle was worried that she wasn't going to change. After the delivery Gwendolyn had been taken out of the room.

Carlisle had given his venom to Ellie, sending it through her body. There wasn't much of a response at first. But, Astrid knew that it was not the case. Because of her powers they were taking much longer then they needed too.

Carlisle stood inside the bedroom, Gwendolyn was currently with Rosalie who was with Bella. The blond vampire looked at his mate, waiting and hoping that she would wake up. Astrid and Max soon joined him.

Ellie on the other hand could feel everything about her changing, she could feel herself getting stronger. Carlisle looked back at Astrid and Max who had the same look on their faces as he did. He then proceeded to walk towards Ellie, his eyes now on her again.

He came to a stop at the edge of the bed, and as he did Ellie's eyes opened up. Ellie no longer had brown eyes, they were now a crimson red. She moved her eyes around looking at everything.

Her eyes landed on a painting and she could see the texture of the painting. Astrid and Max placed a smile on their faces, soon turning away and closing the door behind them allowing Carlisle and Ellie to have some much needed alone time.

Astrid walked down the set of stairs, Max following behind him. However, Max went outside to talk to Seth, and Leah while Astrid went to see Gwendolyn. Ellie picked herself up from the bed walking over to Carlisle, a smile on her face.

She grabbed a hold of his hands holding them in hers, as she looked up at his black eyes. Carlisle looked at her, seeing the color of her eyes. She was a vampire now, she was in the same temperature as Carlisle.

"I am so sorry." Carlisle spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"I know. It's okay. I'm okay, and our daughter is okay." Ellie replied, smiling at him. She closed the space between them and proceeded to place her lips on his kissing him passionately. Carlisle proceeded to kiss her back.

Ellie smiled into the kiss, feeling so much comfort. They pulled away, Ellie proceeded to look around. "Where's Gwendolyn?" Ellie asked.

"She's with Rosalie and Bella." Carlisle answered.

"Does Bella know?"

"Yes, she does. We didn't tell her until last night."

"When is she supposed to deliver?"

"She could deliver as early as tomorrow."

"Okay. Then we need to go hunting. You need to be at your strongest when you deliver her baby. I know it was probably tough on you when our baby was coming."

Carlisle nodded his head, grabbing a hold of her hand he pulled her out of the room. The two walked down the steps heading to the lower level off the house. Ellie stayed there while Carlisle went back up the steps.

Ellie looked around, she saw Seth and Leah talking to Max and Astrid. They were still on the protection detail but now it was only to protect Bella and her baby. Ellie knew that the other wolves hadn't figured out that Ellie had died.

Ellie placed her eyes on Carlisle, Esme and Jamie as they came back into the room. Carlisle placed the blood bag on the table. It made Esme and Jamie worry about what Ellie might do upon seeing the bag.

However she didn't react to it, her eyes were on Carlisle as he looked at her. "Is this the last one?" Ellie questioned looking at the three.

"Yes, it is." Carlisle answered.

"Well, we have to find a way to get past Sam's pack, or whoever is left in his pack."

"We will." Esme said, looking over at the brunette.

Ellie looked towards the steps hearing the muffled feet on the floor. Carlisle left her side, heading back up the steps. Jamie on the other hand kept his eyes on Ellie. She still wasn't worried about the blood on the counter, she didn't feel thirsty.

She just wanted to make sure that Carlisle was strong enough for the second delivery. She wanted Bella to survive this too. Ellie placed her eyes on Carlisle as he entered the room with Jacob following behind him.

He placed the bag on the counter, staring at Carlisle. "So, that's the last of it?" Jacob questioned him, seeing Ellie standing close to Carlisle. While Esme and Jamie stood next to each other.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all, she'll need more blood." Carlisle explained to him.

"And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her." Esme said, looking over at Carlisle.

"We need to go tonight." Ellie added.

"Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered." Jacob said, walking away from them.

"I'd like to see him try." Ellie said quietly.

"Emmett will come with us." Esme told him.

"That won't be enough."

"We have no choice, Jacob." Carlisle said. "If there's anything we can do to save her, we have to try."

"You'd risk your lives for her?"

"Of course we would. Bella's a part of our family now. Just like Ellie is." Esme said, looking over at the brunette. Ellie sent her a smile, gripping onto Carlisle's hand.

"Yeah. I can see that. This really is a family. As strong as the one I was born into. I know what I have to do."

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