chapter forty ▬▬▬ out of body experience

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE PICKED HER head up from looking at the ground

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE PICKED HER head up from looking at the ground. Smiling, she dropped her stuff, running towards Carlisle. Wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Carlisle chuckled, hugging her back tightly, Astrid picked up her back and continued to walk towards them.

"I missed you so much!" Ellie said, hiding her head in Carlisle's neck.

"I missed you too." He replied looking over at Astrid. "I take it the trip went well?" He asked Astrid.

"Yes, she really enjoyed herself." Astrid simply replied.

Carlisle smiled, him and Ellie turned around following behind Astrid as she walked towards Carlisle's car. Ellie stayed close to Carlisle as thoughts off Victoria popped into her head.

"Did you catch Victoria?" She asked, opening the car door and climbing into the passenger side. Shoving the bags in the trunk Astrid made her way to the back seat buckling herself in not long after getting into the car.

"No, we didn't. One of the wolves had a disagreement with Emmett." Carlisle explained to the two brunettes as he pulled away from the curb.

"So, she's still out there?" Ellie asked him. She watched him nod in response, keeping his eyes on the road. "Which means she is still after me and Bella?" She asked, suddenly becoming worried.

Carlisle nodded again, not entirely sure what to tell her. "Don't worry El, we're not going to let her get you or Bella and I'm sure the wolves agree to the same thing," Astrid told them.

Ellie looked back at her friend smiling a little. Ellie climbed out of the car heading over to the front door of her book store.

"Remind me why we stopped by here again?" Astrid asked her as she and Carlisle followed her into the store.

"Because I wanted to check and see if any new shipments came in and if so I want to place them by the front window. People have been waiting for these books." Ellie explained, walking to the back of the book store.

Looking down on the floor she saw three new boxes of books that had been delivered to the store. Smiling, she moved to the first one picking it up from the ground.

"There are two more boxes in the back, if you can get them that would be great." She said passing by Carlisle and Astrid.

The two laughed at her moving to the back room to grab the boxes. Placing the box on the ground she walked around to the counter grabbing a knife from the drawer. Walking back over to the box she placed the knife over top of the tape cutting into it.

Placing the knife on the counter she began pulling the new books out of the box. The smell of new books filled the air, Ellie began placing the books on the shelves that stood in front of the windows. Carlisle and Astrid came out of the back room holding onto the boxes talking to one another as Ellie looked outside to see Max standing by his car.

"Why is Max here?" Ellie asked, looking back at Carlisle.

"I don't know." Carlisle simply replied. Max walked away from his car heading over to the bookstore. Ellie opened the door allowing him to come into the building.

"What are you doing here Max?" Ellie asked him.

"I just came to check and see if you were okay," Max spoke, explaining himself.

Max walked through the door, walking past her to a stop near her. Ellie nodded her head, closing the door.

"I know what happened so whatever you say next you can't really lie about," Ellie replied, walking back over to the books.

"I actually came to see you because I heard from Sam that you died," Max explained.

"I think you're over thinking what happened, plus I think it was more like an out of body experience." Ellie told him, informing him of what she really felt. Then a smile graced her lips.

"But, yes, I'm okay it was just a car accident caused by Victoria." Ellie explained.

"I stopped by Charlie's place and he said that you were out of town. Where did you go?"

"Astrid and I went to California for a few days, no big deal. Plus I needed a break from the whole Victoria stuff."

"Right, okay. Well, I'm just going to leave. Sam also wanted me to tell you that he would like to see you sometime. He misses you, just like I do." Max told her, walking back over to the door.

"Tell him I said I'll stop by when I can." Ellie spoke, smiling at her friend.

Max nodded in responses exiting out of the book store and heading back to his car. Ellie turned around to face Carlisle and Astrid.

"We can go home now. I'll finish everything another day." Ellie told them as she walked over to the counter grabbing her keys.

Carlisle and Astrid walked over to the door, Carlisle opened the door, holding it for Astrid to pass by him and walk back over to his car. Seconds later Ellie was next to him, the two headed outside, Ellie looked the door up and walked over to the car climbing into it.

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