chapter fifty-three ▬▬▬ exactly enough

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE SAT ON the porch of the Cullen household watching as everyone set up for Bella and Edward's wedding

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE SAT ON the porch of the Cullen household watching as everyone set up for Bella and Edward's wedding. Her and Carlisle had come back from their getaway about two days ago and she already wanted to go back.

She loved being on the island, it was peaceful and quiet. She and Carlisle had enjoyed their time alone, she just wanted to go back and spend more time there with the love of her life. They probably would've stayed longer had Bella and Edward not been getting married just yet.

Ellie was excited to see that the two wanted to be married. The brunette blinked, coming out of her thoughts she turned her head looking back at Bella as she scraped the bottom of her wedding heels on the patio.

She skidded to a stop looking over at Alice who had been holding onto Bella's shoes. Ellie found this really amusing that Bella was going to be wearing heels at her wedding.

"Um... You just have to break them in." Alice told her, causing Ellie to smirk at the yellow eyed vampire.

Alice briefly looked over at Ellie, who seemed to look for some kind of help in the matter. Bella looked at her, a serious look resting on her face.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asked her, hoping it would be a yes.

"No, absolutely not." Alice told her, being strict about her wedding.

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." Bella told her as Jasper and Carlisle walked by with wooden benches on their shoulders. Ellie sent a smile towards Carlisle, who had sent a smile in return.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice responded.

"Where do you want them, boss?" Emmett asked, walking by the three.

"On either side of the aisle." Alice answered.

"What aisle?" Rosalie asked, clearly confused.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice asked, leaving Bella and Ellie alone.

"Just know, you're gonna get this too." Bella informed Ellie as she took the heels off.

"Oh, I know and I look forward to it." Ellie said standing up.

Ellie walked down the steps, a smile resting on her lips. Bella smiled at the brunette watching as she went to help Esme. Ellie took a few flower bouquets from her and placed them around the tables. Looking around she saw Carlisle waiting for her on the steps.

Smiling she said her goodnight to Esme, leaving her behind she walked towards the direction of Carlisle. Walking up the steps she wrapped her hands around his waist while he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm so ready for bed." Ellie announced, causing the blonde to chuckle at her.

"Let's get you to bed, then." Carlisle replied, making her smile brighter.

The two headed into the house, heading towards Carlisle's room that had the bed. Ellie pushed through the door, going straight for the bed. She had been extremely tired since her and Carlisle had gotten back from their trip and she hadn't been sure why.

Carlisle seemed to notice the same thing, but didn't say anything because he hadn't been worried about it. He knew that Alice had been pushing her about her future wedding to himself while he hadn't even proposed yet. Alice was just excited to see Carlisle happy and he knew that. Ellie rested her head on Carlisle's chest, allowing sleep to wash over her.

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