chapter seven ▬▬▬ traveled

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      ━━━━━ FINALLY SITTING AT a table, the food had been ordered, as they waited they talked back and forth getting to know more about each other

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━━━━━ FINALLY SITTING AT a table, the food had been ordered, as they waited they talked back and forth getting to know more about each other.

"Well, when I was old enough I started to travel the world. But I eventually came to realize that I needed to get a job, so I came back to Forks to live with Charlie. I worked at a library for a bit and when I had enough money saved up, I eventually bought my own book store. And to say the least it's doing really well and I'm very content with the job I currently have." Ellie explained as her salad arrived.

It had been the only thing ordered as Ellie normally didn't eat much on a first date. "So you traveled, where did you travel too?" Carlisle asked her.

"I mostly stayed in the states but there were a few occasions where I traveled out of state. I've traveled to London, France, and Egypt. I haven't gone further than that. There's still so much I want to do, I just don't have enough time to do it, and nobody to do it with." Ellie said, looking down at her salad. Carlisle watched as sadness took over her face.

"Maybe one day we can travel together." Carlisle said, trying to brighten up the mood.

Ellie looked at the blonde head placing a smile on her face "I'd like that." Ellie replied as she took a bite of her food. A beeping noise came from Carlisle's pocket causing Ellie to look at him.

"Please tell me that means we can leave this place?" She asked, getting excited. Carlisle smiled, raising his hand to one of the waiters.

"Can we get the check please?" Carlisle asked the waiter. He nodded in response and left to go get the check. "It's work." Carlisle told her.

"That's okay. I'll go with you." Ellie insisted. "This place isn't really my style anyway, the salad was good but I don't think I'd want to come back again." Ellie said honestly.

The waiter placed the check on the table and Carlisle pulled out the necessary amount of money. Ellie stood up from the chair, turning around and walking out as Carlisle stood by her side. His hand briefly touching her arm, Ellie looked at him feeling his cold hand. Not wanting to say anything she ignored it as they made their way over to Carlisle's car.

Ellie opened the door. Climbing into the car and buckling up. Then shutting the door, after that she took her heels off as they had started to hurt her feet. The brunette looked over at Carlisle as he turned the car on and began to drive.

"So, what happened? Why are you being called into work?" Ellie asked the blonde head, creating a conversation.

"There was another killing. We are going over to the station." Carlisle explained looking over at her. Ellie nodded her head, not taking the conversation further.

Carlisle pulled into the parking lot, turning off his car he looked over at Ellie who looked back at him.

"Are you coming in?" Carlisle asked her.

"I'll stay in here, if you need me just come get me." Ellie replied back looking over at the flashing lights. "Whatever happened, it seems bad." Ellie added, looking back at the doctor.

She watched as he got out of the car heading to the back, opening the trunk and grabbing his bag. Carlisle passed her making his way up the steps, into the building. Boredom began to fill inside the brunette as she waited for Carlisle to come back out.

So, she decided to put her heels back on and get out of the car. On cue she watched as another car pulled into the parking lot coming to a stop next to one of the police cars. Ellie began walking over towards the other car watching as Edward and Bella stepped out of the car.

"El, what are you doing here?" Bella asked as the two hugged each other.

"Carlisle got a call and needed to come in." Ellie said as Carlisle appeared by the door exiting out of the building.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Edward asked. The three came closer. Ellie heard the sigh I came from Carlisle as he walked down the steps.

"Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body." He explained looking between the three.

"He died?" Bella asked, not believing it. Ellie watched as the blonde head simply nodded in response.

"How?" Bella and Ellie asked at the same time.

"Animal attack." He replied looking over at Edward. Ellie noticed the interaction that was happening between the father and son.

"Was it the same one that got that security guard down in Mason?" Bella asked him.

"Most likely." Carlisle replied, looking at Bella.

"Well, it's getting closer to town, then." Bella said.

"Bella, Ellie, you should both go inside. Waylon was your father's friend." Carlisle said moving closer to the two.

"Okay." Bella said heading up the steps. Ellie looked at Carlisle, placing a small smile on her face.

"I had fun Carlisle, maybe we can do it again sometime." Ellie spoke, waiting for a response.

Carlisle nodded in agreement, Ellie walked past the two following Bella who stopped and turned back to face Edward.

"Um. I'll see you later." Bella said following after Ellie who opened the door.

Once inside Ellie stopped and took off her heels. The two headed over to where Bella's father was.

"Hey." Bella said as she and Ellie came up behind him.

"Hey." Charlie responded looking between the two.

"Dad, I'm really sorry." Bella said.

"I've known him going on 30 years." Charlie said as Bella placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder showing comfort. A few seconds passed and the room was silent. Charlie removed his hand looking at Bella and Ellie.

"Don't worry, we're gonna find this thing. Meantime, I want you both to carry this with you." Charlie said, pulling out two cans of pepper spray.

Ellie took hers quickly not wanting to agree with her adoptive father.

"I don't know if you..." Bella began to say as Charlie cut her off.

"It'll give your old man some peace of mind." He said, smiling slightly, waiting for Bella to take the other can out of his hand.

"Okay." The brunette said as she grabbed the can from her father's hand.

"Let's go home." Charlie said looking at the two girls.

Bella and Ellie moved backwards, turning back to face. Charlie got up from his chair grabbing his jacket, swinging it around and pulling it on. Bella and Ellie walked out the door as Charlie came to a stop to talk to one of the officers.

The two came to a stop as the body of Waylon came past them. Ellie thought back to the moment when Carlisle had touched her arm, the coldness radiating from him.

"Whatever you just saw I want in when we get back home cause I have something to tell you." Ellie said as Bella looked over at her.

Bella nodded her head and looked back at her father as he came up behind them. The three began walking to Charlie's car, Ellie climbed into the back seat of the police car. Once in, Charlie turned the car on, pulling out of the parking lot he drove them home.

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