chapter twenty-three ▬▬▬ let me go

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      ━━━━━ THE NEXT DAY Ellie woke up to the sun beaming in her room, hitting her eyes

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      ━━━━━ THE NEXT DAY Ellie woke up to the sun beaming in her room, hitting her eyes. Groaning to herself she pushed herself up, walking over to her closet she grabbed some of her work clothes. Once she had changed, she pulled her hair to the side braiding it tightly.

Grasping her keys she exited out of her room, and then the house heading down the steps to her car. Once she was in her car, she turned it on and pulled out of the driveway. After a few minutes of drive time she pulled into the back of the parking lot pulling up behind her book store.

Once she was parked she turned her car off, exiting out she headed towards the front of the building to find Astrid waiting for her. A smile graced her lips as she came to a stop in front of the store.

"You're here early." Ellie said, searching for the key that went to the front door.

"Well, I just thought it would be nice to make a good impression on my new boss." Astrid replied, smiling at her.

"That impression is noted." Ellie said as she opened the door, allowing Astrid to walk through first. She followed behind, turning back around to flip the closed sign to open. "I have a lot of paperwork to do, so you will be in charge for the day, while I work in the back. Also if you come with me I can give you the set of spare keys I have." Ellie added moving towards the back of the building.

Astrid nodded her head heading to the counter. Ellie opened the door, turning the light on in the room. Walking over to the desk she placed her keys on the table, then opened the drawer grabbing the spare keys. Walking out of the room she looked to see Astrid already sitting on the chair.

"Here are the spare keys." Ellie said, handing the keys over to her, she accepted them, shoving them into her pocket.

"Thanks." Astrid said, sending her a small smile.

"If you aren't sure of something just come get me. And if Carlisle shows up you can send him back here." Ellie added.

Astrid sent her a nod, "have fun with that paperwork!" Astrid said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Ellie replied, heading back towards the room.

Once Ellie was in there she closed the door, and headed towards the desk where she took a seat. She spread the papers out that had been left on her desk the previous day, when she had everything she needed she began working for the duration of the day.

Hours had passed and Ellie had finally finished the papers that needed to be completed. Grabbing her stuff, she opened the door and walked out of the room. After closing it she walked up to the front placing her things on the counter. Astrid sat behind the register waiting for the rest of the customers to leave.

"You can head home now. I'll let the rest of the customer's out, I still have a few things to do before I head home." Ellie explained, staring at Astrid. She shook her head, climbing off the seat and moving around the counter. "Oh, and tomorrow the store will be closed, so you don't have to worry about showing up early." Ellie added.

"Okay, cool. Then I will see you the following day." Astrid announced as she headed towards the front door.

"Try not to stay too late." Astrid said, as she pushed the door open. Ellie laughed, while shaking her head.

"I'll try not to." Ellie responded. Astrid disappeared leaving only Ellie and a few other customers in the building.

"There is something very off about her." Ellie said to herself as she climbed onto the chair. Not long after Astrid had left the rest of the customers left, leaving only her.

Walking around the shelves she made sure the books were placed nicely, then she proceeded to walk over to the counter grabbing her things. Turning around she headed towards the front of the door she flipped the sign to close.

Exiting the building she locked up and headed towards the back where her car sat. Unlocking her car she climbed in, placing her things on the passenger seat. Before she turned the car on she looked in the mirror to see Carlisle standing at the end of the parking lot near the treeline.

Ellie grabbed her keys, and climbed back out of her car following behind Carlisle as he led her into the woods. Ellie was extremely confused why he was leading her into the woods but it didn't stop her from following after him.

Ellie was confused as to why Carlisle was leading her into the woods. Thoughts of why all this was happening continued to ponder her head causing a severe headache. Carlisle came to a stop, turning around, waiting for Ellie to catch up to him.

"What are we doing in the woods, Carlisle?" She asked in a serious voice.

The human stood in front of the vampire who thought of a good way to break the news to her. Deep down he knew it would break her heart and he couldn't live with what he was about to do.

"My family and I have to leave town." Carlisle spoke unintentionally, releasing the sadness out with his answer.

"W-What?" Ellie stuttered, making sure she had heard him correctly.

"My family and I have to leave town." Carlisle repeated himself, feeling extremely guilty over hurting the woman he loved more than anything.

"Why?" She questioned, she ignored the pain that was rushing through her head, she just wanted an answer to all this. The vampire sighed, searching her face for the sadness.

"I'm suppose to be 10 years older than I look, and people are starting to notice." He explained, knowing the next words would break her.

"So, you're gonna leave me here, alone? Because, I'm assuming I'm not going to be able to come with you." Ellie said as the angry started to overflow the sadness.

"I'm sorry." He replied, not sure what else to say.

"Are you coming back?" She asked him.

"No, we aren't coming back." Carlisle informed her, knowing those words would hurt her.

Ellie stepped forward slightly, "no, you can't just do that. You can't just come into someone's life and drop them like that, without a reasonable explanation. That's not how things work." Ellie yelled at him, trying to keep calm.

"I'm sorry, El, but I have to go." Carlisle told her, turning away from her. Ellie moved forward grabbing a hold of his hand stopping him from leaving her.

"Please, don't leave me alone. I don't want you to leave, I can't lose you." Ellie said as the years started to run down her face.

Carlisle stared at her, seeing the tears that started to stain her face. "You have to learn to let me go." Carlisle said, pulling his hand away from hers.

"Don't do this to me." Ellie screamed, she began running through the woods searching for him. As she got deeper into the woods her vision became blurry, the headache she had became worse. "Carlisle." She shouted, falling down towards the cold ground.

A sudden burst of energy rushed out of her knocking down a few surrounding trees. She closed her eyes allowing the cold to overcome her.

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