chapter five ▬▬▬ breathing heavily

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE SLEPT IN her bed the covers tossed to the side, as she moved around in her bed sweat falling down her face

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      ━━━━━ ELLIE SLEPT IN her bed the covers tossed to the side, as she moved around in her bed sweat falling down her face.

Ellie watched from the side of the road as snow fell down on the ground and a car drove down the road on the left lane. She watched as the car slid on the sheet of ice turning and crashing into her parent's car.

She gasped and began to run over to the cars trying to see what was going on. She came to a stop when she saw the little girl in the back. She looked forward and saw her parents in the car. Moving backward she started to shake her head back and forth.

Ellie woke up breathing heavily, looking around her room. She moved off of her bed grabbing her boots and slipping them on.

She proceeded to walk quietly down the steps, grabbing her keys. She opened the door and walked out into the fresh cold air. After closing the door she made her way down the steps and began her journey towards the cemetery where her parents were buried.

Drops of rain hit her head as she walked down the road. Driving wasn't her thing, not since her parents passed away. The day she found out her parents wouldn't see her grow up was the worst day of her life and it was a tough thing to overcome, but she found it easy being able to move on, after Charlie adopted her.

Looking forward down the street she noticed a car coming her way. Moving over to the side she hides behind another car hoping she wasn't seen. The car came to a stop, soon after the driver side door opened. Ellie watched as a familiar face stepped out of the car, standing up as she walked around to face Carlisle.

"Ellie, what are you doing in the rain?" Carlisle asked, walking over to her.

Ellie looked into his eyes seeing the gold that outlined his inner eyes, something she was still confused about.

"I was on my way to the cemetery, the rain and cold air felt nice. Plus I don't drive." Ellie explained as she continued to look at Carlisle's eyes.

"I can give you a ride there if you'd like," Carlisle said. Ellie continued to look at his eyes, only nodding in response.

Carlisle wrapped an arm around her body and pulled her over to the passenger side. Opening the door she got in, buckling up and waiting for Carlisle to get into his car. Once Carlisle was in he turned around, driving to the cemetery. The blonde vampire looked over at the brunette as she looked out the window watching the rainfall to the ground.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you going to the cemetery this late at night?" Carlisle asked her to start a conversation again.

"My parents are buried there, I had to see them." Ellie acknowledged, still looking out the window.

"What happened to them?" Carlisle questioned her wanting to know more about her, even if there was a chance that they couldn't be together.

"They passed away when I was 11, just before my 12th birthday. It was a car accident, it wasn't the other person's fault though it was the sheet of ice that laid on the ground, along with snow. My dad passed away at the scene and my mom passed away during surgery. Luckily for me, Charlie talked to the adoption agency, and he and his wife at the time were able to adopt me." Ellie explained hating to talk about her past.

Carlisle could hear the pain in the brunette's voice, choosing to let the information he had to be enough.

"Not long after living with Charlie and Renée, Renée took Bella and left, heading to some other state, leaving me and Charlie alone. I got my life together and bought a bookstore after I took some time to travel the world. My life is good except for the occasional night terrors. I hope that one day I won't have to deal with them anymore." Ellie finished explaining. Carlisle pulled the car to a stop and looked over at Ellie.

"We're here. Would you like me to come with you, or, do you want me to stay here?" Carlisle asked her. Ellie looked over at Carlisle as she unbuckled herself.

"It's up to you." Ellie replied, opening the door, stepping back out into the rain.

Carlisle watched as she twirled around in the rain. A small smile appeared on his face. He decided it would be best to stay in the car, but to keep an eye on her should anything happen. Ellie walked to her parent's gravestones kneeling down in front of them. She moved the rotten flowers to the side and the few leaves that were laying around.

"I miss you guys." Ellie started to speak hoping her parents were there. "The book store is doing really well. I never thought it would be doing this good but I get a lot of people coming in looking for new books." Ellie said, looking over at her mother's grave.

"I think I finally have a chance at love, the blonde head over in the car his name is Carlisle and he's a doctor. As it turns out, there's something odd about him that I haven't figured out yet. Bella still doesn't know that wolves exist in this world, in fact, she's in for a huge surprise when she finds out. So much has happened since my last visit. The night terrors are still bothering me, I don't understand why they won't go away, they keep coming back and the medicine I'm on doesn't seem to help much." Ellie said, talking to the gravestones.

She looked up from her parents gravestones, noticing someone in the distance coming towards her. She wasn't entirely sure who the person was. She stood up and began moving back towards Carlisle's car. He noticed her movements, stepping out of the car he made his way over to her not using his vampire speed.

She crashed into his arms, closing her eyes. Carlisle looked around not seeing anything or anybody around.

"Come on, let's get you back home," Carlisle said as he turned her around, walking her back to his car.

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