Short Info

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Heyy! However you may have found this book, I'm happy, that you came here

Okay, this chapter won't be too long and I know that many of you [me included] don't like these kinds of chapters but unfortunately it has to be.

1. This is a Joel Hokka fanfiction. Everything that happens is made up and isn't what really happened. I won't tell you too much about it but I think you'll see what I mean.

2. This type of story is a bit new. I named this book after the Blind Channel song "Died enough for you" and that has a big meaning for the chapters. The idea behind all of it is to choose a song and use a verse/sentence/line of it to name each of the chapters. Obviously the content of the chapter should fit to it.

The only problem, many of the verses get repeated which obviously isn't good for books. (Also, it would have been about 80 chapters for this book which is a little too much.) That's why I left out the repetition and tried to sort the Verses well. So, for example, I always took two verses of the chorus, which gets repeated three times.

So please don't wonder, if some verses got left out. All together I will have ever Verse in this book so nothing will be lost.

(I hope you understand what I mean.)

If you want to do a challenge like this yourself, you can always ask me for tips on how I did it. (Of course I would be happy if you would mention me in your book ^^)

3. I'm thinking about making a prequel story to this story. - Yes - there will be a profound background to the story which is why it would make sense to make a story just for that. Especially because I will pay attention that this story won't tell you allot or even anything at all about what happened earlier.

I already have a very exact idea on what happened so if after reading this story you are interested in more feel free to tell me in the comments!

4. This is my first story that I publish in English. Actually the original is German and as I know that there's more English-speaking fans than German-speaking fans (no idea how I would think of that xD) I asked my best friend  if she would be interested in translating the story into English. Of course I could have done it myself but it's probably better if a native speaker does it. If you like go check out her account Fanaccount1D ^^

And now, have fun reading the story of Hilja.

Rosa x

Died enough for You [Joel Hokka FF] (English)Where stories live. Discover now