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I walked with my friends to her room to see her connected to wires.

"They said we have a few minutes to say goodbye." I told my friends. Tears stream down my face as I sat next to my wife.

I grabbed ahold of her hand and looked up at her, "hey baby, I don't know if you can hear me or not but I just want to let you know that I love you so much. I'm going to miss you but you're free now. No more pain and suffering. Let go baby, be free." I softly said and rest my head on the edge of the bed.

I lost her.

I lost my wife. She's gone.

I can't believe this is happening right now, we lost Nate, I lost my daughter and now I've lost my wife.

the doctor walked in a few minutes later, "Mr. Gilinsky, it's time." He said and rest his hand on my shoulder. Madison walked over and held out her hand.

I grabbed it and we stepped away so that the doctors can do what they need to do.

"It's going to be okay, she's at peace now." Madison quietly said.

They turned off the machines and detached the wires and breathing tube.

We waited and the monitor flatlined. I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands, crying out for my wife.

Madison bent down and wrapped her arms around me. She rubbed my back as I cried out.

She's gone. I can't accept this.

"No, I can't believe this." I stood up and ran out of the room.

Sammy ran out and caught up to me, "do you need a ride home." He asked.

"Please" I begged and followed him out to the car.

We arrived home and be dropped me off, he went back to the hospital to pick up the others.

I walked up the steps and barged into the house. I closed the door behind me and slid my back down agains the door.

My baby is gone. My wife is gone and I have nothing left.

- a few weeks later.

we stood around her casket as one by one, each of us threw in white roses after they lowered it down.

Her brother, my best friend stood beside me and his eyes were puffy from crying.

I turned to look at Jack as I wrapped my arms around him.

"She's at peace now." I whispered in his ear.

"I know, I just miss her still." He said back to me.

after the funeral. Everyone went their separate ways, I stayed behind to give my wife one last goodbye.

I looked down at her casket in the ground and tears ran down my face.

"Baby, you're at peace now. I love you so much and you didn't deserve to die like this, you didn't deserve to have what happened to you. I miss you so much baby girl. But you're at peace now, I love you so much and I hope that we can see each other again some day."

I wiped my tears and walked to my car. I looked back once more before getting into my car and driving off.

I sped home before the moving trucks.

Yes, I sold the house after Avery died. I'm moving in with the guys. They have a vacant room since Nate passed so I'm taking his room.

I parked the car in the driveway and went to go unlock my door.

The moving truck I've rented pulled up to the house and they backed into the driveway.

A few minutes later, the truck was filled with all my boxes.

I boxed up Avery's and moved them in a storage unit. I haven't decided what to do with her stuff yet so it's in the storage unit until then.

I pulled out of the driveway and the moving truck follow behind me.

I left everything on the kitchen counter for the new owner.

About an hour later, I pulled up to the guys house. They came out to help the movers bring in the boxes.

I parked in the driveway and got out, Jack walked up to me and hugged me.

"You okay man?" He asked.

"Coping." I said and gave him a small smile.

I finally settled into the room, I sat on the edge of the bed and stared off into the mist.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I turned around to see my wife staring at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Am I hallucinating?" My eyes went wide.

"I'm here aren't I, I'm only here because you're thinking of me." She smiled back at me.

"I miss you Avery." I said and started crying.

"I know baby, but you need to move on. You have to let me go Jack." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"I can't. I can't live without you." I said to her.

"I know... but you have to try, for me." She said and faded away in front of me.

she faded away in front of me and I rest my head in my hands, i felt tears run down my face. I quickly wiped them away and the door opened.

The guys appeared behind the door, "you okay man?" Sammy asked me. He sat down next to me and patted my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to let go of her, I just know she wants me to move on." I told my friends.

"Okay then, what do you want to do today. Today is all about you." Sammy smiled at me.

The boys stood in the room waiting for me to say something.

"Let's have a friends day out, maybe go to the bar; invite the girls." I stood up.

"Deal." Sammy shot up and walked downstairs. We followed Sammy as he rang up Madison.

While he talked on the phone, Johnson pulled me aside.

"Are you sure you're okay."

"I'm fine Jack." I smiled at my best friend.

"The girls said they'll meet us there." Sammy said. We all left to the club.

We finally arrived and saw the girls at the front entrance. The limo parked in front and we all piled out.

"Tonight, we're gonna have the best time of our lives." Sammy patted my back.

I smiled at Sammy and we all walked into the club. I headed for the bar and sat down on the stool.

"Hey man, could I get a gin and tonic." I asked the bartender. He nodded his head and went to go prepare my drink.

I felt a presence beside me, I turned to my left to see a beautiful girl with brown eyes staring back at me.

"Hi cutie." She said and her smile lit up the room.

"Hi." I said and immediately got lost in her eyes.

She looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

Never mind that, I'm here to enjoy the night.

"Want a drink?" I asked her.

"Not gonna ask for my name first?" She chuckled.

"What's your name beautiful." I asked her.

She just smiled at me and ring up the bartender, I watched her as she ordered two rum and cokes.

"So, you from here?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I live a few minutes outside the city." I leaned against the counter and stared at her beautiful brown eyes.

She definitely looks familiar, it's like I've seen her from somewhere.

"That's nice." She said just in time for the bartender to set down our drinks in front of us.

realization hit me and I turned to look at her, "Avery?" I said her name.

"Who's Avery?" She furrowed her brows.

Brothers Best Friend Sequel | J.G.Where stories live. Discover now