chapter one.

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September 16th, 2014.

" shit, shit, shit ! ", i stumbled over my feet, in a rush to get my pants on. today was the field trip to indiana university. - that dickwad, billy drove to school without me. of course, i was running late for school, again.

spitting the toothpaste into the sink, i attempted to throw my silk red hair into a high ponytail as i did so, leaving a few strands of hair out, framing my face more.

" mom ! could you drive me to school? billy left without me. ", i asked, my mother, who was standing there with a hand on her hip. " well, it isn't billy's job to wake you up on time, maxine. "

i through my hands in the air with an irritated groan, " come on, mom, you know billy's an asshole. ", i protested. she shook her head in disappointment, " don't speak about your brother that way. "

" he's not my brother. ", i say with an eye roll. she let out a sigh, " go start the car, maxine. "

yes !

i kissed my mom on the cheek, thanking her for the ride - i made it to school just in time- students were already abroarding the buses for the trip.

my mom shouted out the window, " don't get into any trouble, maxine ! ", as she pulled off. the tips of my ears burned, i pretended not to be embarrassed after getting stares from students near by.

how come she manages to embarrass me everytime ?

stepping onto the bus, i searched for dustin and will. i didn't spot either one of the boys, which told me they must be on the other bus. i squeezed through the isle, avoiding the feet of random teenagers who were determined to trip me.

my heart hammered against my chest, coming across the familiar face of a brown eyed girl. jane hopper, the sweetest girl in hawkins, hell, she could be the nicest girl in the whole state.

i knew her well, we were close in middle school, the whole party was. " hi, max. ", she never failed to take my breath away. " uh, hi, is this seat taken ? ", i stammered out.

obviously not, dingus, no one's sitting next to her.

" nope, go ahead. ", she patted the spot next to her. i rubbed my hands on the fabric of my pants, ignoring the tension between us, the bus moving slowly.

" so, how have you been ? ", she looked up at me with those doe eyes, my lips parted, " good. "

" how are you and mike ? ", her and mike have been dating since elementary, they could be kinda rocky sometimes, but everyone knew that.

" we broke up, again. ", her expression didn't seem to change much, i expected her to be much sadder, after all, she did just go through a breakup.

" oh, i'm sorry. "

she sighed, " it's okay, me and him just don't really click anymore, you know ? we've both changed so much." i nodded, " i understand. i used to think me and lucas would last for ever, but people change, it's just the way life works. even so, the break up didn't stop us from being good friends."

" exactly, you get it. ", she said. i don't say anything else, i only smile in return. my arm outstretched towards the front pocket of my book bag, bringing out my sketchbook.

" may i draw you ? ", i asked, i've drawn jane many times before - not in a creepy way, she's just very.... drawable ? " you may. ", she turned to me, her lips forming into a small smile.

" i still have the pictures you drew for me in middle school. ", she informed me, her eyes flickering down to the piece of paper that i sketched her out on.

" is that so ? ", i couldn't help but let my lips tug into a smirk. she let out a hum in reply, resting her eyes.

i was done drawing jane by the time we arrived to the university. " this is amazing, you should really enroll into an art school, max. "

i drew jane on a bus seat, her eyes becoming heavy from tiredness, her arms hugging a small, brown, bear to her chest. when we were in middle school jane always slept with a stuffed bear, she treated him like her own child.

i wondered if she still sleeps with it, but she's probably grown out that phase by now. i watch her gracefully fold the piece of paper, putting the drawing into her bag.

" thank you. "

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