chapter ten.

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September 27th, 2014.

Later that night Dustin convinced me to sneak out the house with him, to ' explore ' more of my abilities. I agreed, only because I didn't like sitting around in one place all day. " Are you sure you want to do this !? ", Dustin's voice was wobbly with fear, he stood on top of the building next door.

" Dustin, you're the one who wanted to see if I could do it ! ", I told. He let out a groan, " I know, but if you die Steve and Eddie are going to murder me ! Plus, you're like the daughter my mom's never had. "

My heart warmed at the thought of Claudia viewing me as her own child. " Trust me, I've done this before ! ", I reassured my best friend.

" You've what ?! "

I bursted into a full sprint, leaping through the air before I did so, closing the gap between me and Dustin. I landed on my feet smoothly, his mouth falling ajar. " That was awesome. "

" I know ! "

We both squealed, jumping around like a couple of eight year old girls. " Okay, Okay, let's see what else I can do ! "

Dustin and I were sprawled out on his bedroom floor, stuffing our mouths full of  m&ms and popcorn

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Dustin and I were sprawled out on his bedroom floor, stuffing our mouths full of  m&ms and popcorn. We were exhausted from all the running around, right now we just wanted to finish watching kickass.

Dave Lizewski was a rather brave soul. He put his life on the line for the people of New York City. He did this all without any type of  ' inhuman ' ability to help him out - I think he was just batshit crazy, but in a way he was also inspirational.

The more that I looked into it, Hawkins city was a rather dangerous place. Half of the time the police could hardly catch these criminals.

I began to wonder.

" Dustin, do you really think I could be a hero ? "

He turned to me with a lazy smirk, " Max, my friend, at this point, you can do anything. Why do you ask ? "

" I'm considering it. ", I declared with a yawn. He sat up quickly, spilling the bowl of popcorn in the process, " Really ?! " I snickered, " Don't get ahead of yourself, I said considering. " He gave me a pout, " Fine, whatever. "

I let out a short laugh, " Go to sleep, we've got school tomorrow. " His nose wrinkled, " but it's Saturday. "

" Dustin. "

" Alright, alright. "

A/n : the next chapter will be longer !

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