chapter six.

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September 19th, 2014.

I changed into a my gym uniform, tying up my hair. " You're such an asshole, Mike ! we're your real friends, instead you wanna hang out with these dickwads ! ", I heard the familiar voice of Dustin Henderson, as I step out the women's locker room.

The whole gym had their eyes set on the boys, hungry for some action. Lucas interfered, " Come one guys, let's just get along. ", he suggested.

It was a nice offer, but it's not like he was on our side anyway. I marched over to the boys, Will standing at my side awkwardly. " Ah, little red always coming to save the day. " , Trevor smirks, standing at Mike's side.

I scoffed, " Ever wonder what it's like to get your ass kicked by a girl ? "

" No ? "

" Wanna find out ? ", I taunted. Lucas got between us, " Lets all cut it out before the teacher gets back. "

The bully named Trevor pondered, thinking about his next move, " Whatever, but don't think this is over. "

Mike shot Dustin a glare, ignoring the hurt look on Will's face. Him and His goons turned away, leaving the gym, Lucas stayed behind, to apologize.

" I'm really sorry. "

" If you're so sorry, why choose them over us ? What do they have besides being filthy rich !? ", Will was filled with betrayal, shouting at the boy Infront of him.

I understood why Lucas and Mike wanted to become popular, they were sick of being bullied - but sometimes they went too far.

" Apology not accepted. ", Dustin spat. Lucas turned towards me, and my eyes fell soft, " I'm sorry, Lucas. "

I left to follow Dustin and Will out of the gym, leaving Lucas stranded there.

If only things could go back to the way they were before highschool.


" He's such a jerk, I can't believe I use to have a crush on him. ", Will ranted, stabbing at his salad. " Use to ? ", I mouthed, wiggling my brows. He shot me a look that told me to, " Shut up. "

Dustin gave him a pat on his back, " You couldn't control what you felt. ", he spoke with a mouth full of pudding. " Dustin, you have chocolate pudding all over your mouth, it looks like you ate a handful of shit. ", I pointed out, with a snort.

" Oh, my apologies. ", He retorted, wiping his mouth with the napkin off of Will's tray. Will looked at me, puzzled, " Did you snort ? "

My cheeks flushed out of embarrassment, " What ? No, you're hearing things, Bryers. " He laughed, " You definitely snorted. "

Dustin nodded, " I heard it with my own eyes - I mean, ears. " I shake my head, another lie leaving my mouth, " I didn't snort. "

" Okay. ", Will threw his hands up in defense. " Do you not believe me ? ", I folded my arms. " Never said I didn't. "

" Well, the look on your face tells me you don't. "

" She snorted, end of discussion. ", Dustin smirked. " I did not ! ", I threw carrot at him.

" Ow. "

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