chapter two.

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September 16th, 2014.

" i talked to your sister, that was the longest conversation we had in almost eleven months. ", i tell will, while dustin shoves a handful of sun chips into his mouth.

" why do you sound so excited about it ? her and mike have been ignoring us for like months...lucas too ! ", dustin spoke, with a mouth full. I roll my eyes, " that doesn't mean she's a bad person, and you know me and her are - we're best friends. "

will agreed," you really shouldn't talk so low about, jane. she's still the same girl from middle school, she just hangs out with different people now. i nod and dustin mumbles underneath his breath, " she hangs out with our bullies. "

i frown, dustin wasn't wrong. jane would only stand their with a sad expression on her face, watching as her so called ' friends ' tripped us or called us names in the halls.

but that doesn't mean she was a bad person, right ?

" i just don't get it, you both still get to talk to your best friends, or they randomly talk to you every once in a blue moon...but i haven't spoke to mine since he joined that damn basketball team ! " i place a hand on his shoulder, " i'm sorry, dust. "

i felt sorry for dustin, he had it worst than most of u when it came to bullying. i don't know why so many people bullied dustin, he's sweet, when he's not throwing sarcastic remarks - he has a great since of humor too.

in a platonic way, i thought dustin was rather adorable.


i expected this tour of the university to be interesting, the school looked like an art museum on the inside, but the trip was lame.

we were all huddle into a large group, listening to our tour guide talk for about an hour, until it was time for a lunch break.

i bit into the bread of my ham and cheese sandwich, listening to will and dustin aruge about who was better at dnd. it was will, but i didn't feel like getting into the middle of their argument.

i always get in the middle of them.

my nose scrunched, getting the sudden feeling that something was crawling up my spine. before i can ask dustin or will to slap my back for me, i feel a sharp pain shoot throughout my body.

" fuck ! ", i shriek, shaking out my shirt, practically spinning in circles. i knew i was getting looks from other students, but i could care less right now.

" what is it !? ", will jumps to to his feet. " something... something just fucking bit me , fuck, fuck, fuck. did it fall out ?! "dustin squinted his eyes, " it's a spider. "

" great, is it poisonous ? ", i questioned, bending down to inspect the dead insect.

" it might be, there's like a heart shape on it, with pink stripes. ", will replied, combing his fingers through his hair.

" he's right. i've done research on spiders, and i've never seen one like this before.", dustin adds. " yeah, because that made me feel a lot better, guys. ", i puffed.

" sorry. "


my head.

my head was spinning, a high pitch sound filled my ears, my mouth laced with bile. 

i'm going to puke.

my mother watched from the doorway, her face laced with concern, as i stumbled over my own feet walking up the stairs. a cold chill ran up my spine, i was freezing - yet at the same time it felt like my body was drenched in sweat.

" maxine, are you okay ? do you need help walking up the stairs ? ", my mother's voice rang through the air.

am i dying ?

" mom, i'm going to puke. ", i tell her, making it to the top of the stairs. i rush into the bathroom, reaching for the medicine cabinet.

i gulp down a pill, feelings my knees grow weak, while my eyes grew heavy. the last thing i heard was my mother stumping up the stairs before my surroundings went black.

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