chapter nine.

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September 27th, 2014.

  I've been staying with Dustin for nearly an entire week. It was nice to get away from home, I needed space. Dustin and I were walking out of game shop discussing what movie we'd watch tonight. I got so caught up in the conversation, I was barely paying attention to the rode.
A bright yellow taxi came speeding my way, before Dustin could shout out my name, I did a flip over the vehicle, landing on my feet.

The people standing by began to clap, cheeirng me on, they must've thought it was some type of stunt. Oh, but not Dustin. He knew it was impossible for me to do such a thing, he stared at me puzzled. Snapping out of his daze, he dragged me away from the crowd into a dark alley way. " What the fuck was that ?! ", He breathed out. " What was what ? ", I acted cluelessly. He ran his fingers through his curls, " Okay, don't play dumb. What you just did was humanly impossible. "

I rolled my eyes, " Bullshit, that was not humanly impo- " He spoke over me, " Oh, but for you it is, and -" I pursed my lips together, waiting for him to finish speaking as he went on a rant.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

" So ! You're going to tell me what the fuck has been going on with you. You've been acting really off lately , and don't think I haven't noticed. ", He finished off.

" Are you done now ? ", I questioned, tonelessly. He let out a huff, " Yeah, Yeah I'm done now. "

" Good. "

I spent almost an hour explaining to doesn't what happens the day after I was bitten by the mysterious spider

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I spent almost an hour explaining to doesn't what happens the day after I was bitten by the mysterious spider. He sat infront of me his hands covering his mouth, he was shocked. I didn't expect him to believe me, but it was Dustin, who am I kidding ? I watched him stand to his feet, " So, you're a superhero  ?! " I scrunched up my nose at the statement, " What ? No. "

" But you have superpowers ! ", He retorted, doing jazz hands. I let out a scoff. " Wait, do you actually have superpowers ? Or are you just fucking with me ?! " I sat there with a pinched expression, starting to grow annoyed with the boy.

" Do you act - " A web shot from my wrist,  knocking the coffee cup off the table, slamming into the wall.

It seemed to stop him from talking.

" What... that, you... just. "

My lips tugged into a grin. Dustin couldn't comprehend what had just happened, struggling to form words. " A web just came out of you're hand. ",

" A web just came out of my hand. ", I repeated, with a chuckle. " That's, that's. ", He licked his lips, taking a deep breath through his nose.

" That's fucking badass. "

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