chapter fourteen.

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September 29th, 2014

I marched into Dustin's room, he quickly jumped up from the edge of his bed. " The news. Billy - Are you okay ? ", His eyes held the look of empathy. I spoke in a gruff voice, ignoring my friend's question, " Turn back on the news. "

He didn't say another word to me, switching back on the tv even if he was hesitant at first. I sat on the bedroom floor, my face buried in my hands.

" The suspect of the shooting was found beatin' bloody on the corner of 10th avenue. Not only was the suspect injured, but he was also left in a human sized spider web. Police are now wondering how - "

" I almost killed that guy. ", I say with my lips trembling. I attempted to swallow down my tears, " I don't know what over came me, Dustin. I can't be be that type of person. "

" I'm a terrible person. "

I felt the comforting arms of Dustin Henderson wrap around me. Hot tears pooled in my eyes, Dustin letting my crying into his shirt.

" You're not a terrible person, Max. You were just upset, alright ? You could've killed that guy, but you chose not to, you let him live. A terrible person would've done the complete opposite. "

I walked into school the next day feeling the eyes of my peers on me, students whispering as I passed them

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I walked into school the next day feeling the eyes of my peers on me, students whispering as I passed them. Why did everything seem to be going in slow montion ?

I took the things out my bag, putting them in the top of shelf of my locker. I scoffed at the sound of someone yelling out my name, the voice belonged to Trevor Prescott.

" Mayfiled ! '

" Not today, Trevor. " I grumbled, slamming my locker shut. I felt his hand on my shoulder, " Look - " In a swift movement I slammed the boy up against the lockers by his sweater. Students stared in shock near by, gossiping among us.

" Feels better, right ? ", He asked, his body shaking against the locker. Trevor knew what it was like to take his personal problems out on everyone else. I ignored his comment, my piercing blue eyes burning deep into his soul.

" Look, you're brother died, I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry. " I was puzzled that Trevor himself was mature enough to show the slightest bit of empathy. I let go of Trevor, walking away with my backpack thrown over my shoulder.

" Max. "

I was stopped by Jane Hopper in the middle of the hall. I ignored the bubbly feeling as she approached me. Soon her body was flushed against mine while she held me in a tight hug." Come to my house after school, it'll help get you're mind off of things. "

" I'll think about it. ", I smiled.

I was definitely going.

I knocked on the door of Jane's house

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I knocked on the door of Jane's house. I was then greeted with a welcoming smile.

" Come in ! ", She urged. Everything in the large cabin looked the same way as I remembered, it even had the same pine cone smell to if.

Everything but the family picture had stayed the same. I noticed it sitting on the living room tv stand, Joyce made them take a new one every year. " Will is out on a date, again ! My parents are working late, and Johnathan and Argyle are doing whatever. So, it's just us ! "

I giggled at her little ramble, kicking off my shoes before I sat on the couch. I sung along with the teen age mutant ninja turtles, the theme song blasting throughout the house.

A laughed escaped her lips, she walked over with a bowl of ice cream. I grinned, " Don't laugh at me. I can't get this channel at Dustin's. "

She talked with her mouth full of villania ice cream, " Are you and Dustin like a thing ?! ", She asked, her eyes wide. My face scrunched in disgust at the thought, " Gross. He's like...another brother. "

" Why ask ? "

She shrugged, " I was just curious. "

We spent the last few hours catching up on eachothes lives. We ended up drinking some of Hopper booze out of the fridge. The two of us got drunk pretty quick. Jane turned on the radio around 12, not having a care in the world.

Everlong by Foo-fighters kicked on. " Holy shit ! I love this song ! ", I yelled over the volume. " Me too. ", She gasped. Jane turned up the volume another notch.

" Breathe out. So I can breathe you in !  We drunkenly sung in sync, dancing hand in hand. We ended up falling back onto the couch, my head laying comfortably in her lap.

" This is the happiest I've been in awhile, you not did know that ?! ", She slurred, not making much sense.

My eyes met with hers, and the universe stopped. Everything inside it stood still. Everything .... except for my heart, which was suddenly beating like a madman. And then, she smiled. That's when my heart stopped too. A hush, quieter than the last sigh of a cold flame slowly burning out in the frozen winters of a tundra, fell over my soul. Silence engulfed me.

Jane Hopper was addicting. Her pale lips held a soft smile, per usual, and her rose'd cheeks held a single dimple. Her brunette hair fell into her face, begging me to slide it behind her ear, which I did.

I found her leaning in closer, until our lips finally touch. Her eyes fluttered shut, and I copied her small action. She felt dangerous underneath my touch, it was an unusual feeling I've never felt with someone before. She kissed me like she wanted to be kissed, soft and moist, hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

I could till taste the cheery flavoured chapstick that lingered from her lips onto mine as she pulled away. " I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. " I noticed the tears pooling in her eyes.

" I didn't mean - "

" It's okay, Jane. ", I held her face in my hand. She frowned, her eyes droopy, she looked awfully tired. I was sure she wouldn't remember this moment by the morning.

" I'm tired. ", She yawned.

I nodded, " Let's get some sleep, then. "

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